Looking for Camera Part 2

"Nee, Mawaru... If Fuyuki loves you too how do you think?" asked Ayami who felt illogical. But, Fuyuki is also human.

"Are you going to fall in love with him too?" he added.

"Ask me what I am!? It would be foolish for me to ask Mawaru such a thing, he must have honestly replied no.'

Mawaru thought, at this time Ayami might be jealous....

"Are you jealous, Ayami?" or is it the opposite that Ayami himself is jealous that Fuyuki is close to another girl.

"No," Ayami shook his head in a slightly soft tone. "What I mean is not like that...."

"Hmm?" Mawaru wondered, about what it meant.

"You and he have known each other for a long time and understand his character, let alone live together. Sure, regardless of your liking for Hiyori... Surely, in you there are some parts that like Fuyuki...?" said Ayami who called it a little restless, or perhaps wrong when revealing this.

"Yes, there is." Mawaru replied briefly with his serious tone.