Love Can't Have Part 2

"Oh yes, about how do you know how I like Fuyuki how? I mean how do you know about that?" Ayami thought, it was possible that Mawaru told Hiyori... He could read someone's heart...!

"Ah~ that...." They were now sitting pulled over on a park bench provided there, "I just guessed it when Fuyuki snapped us up and the food in front of us...."

"Oh! That!"" Ayami remembers it.

"Yes, that time, right...." Hiyori explained it according to her, and it turned out to be true! Ayami admits that he loves Fuyuki.

When talking by sitting back and relaxed, in front of them was ice cream... This time Ayami tried to treat it, all to cool the head.

On the other hand, Fuyuki and Mawaru are still inside the bianglala....

Mawaru seemed to enjoy the view around the mall from the height of the bianglala. Mawaru asks Fuyuki to photograph the scene with her smartphone.

"Oh~ okay!" said Fuyuki allowing him. He's so much fun that Fuyuki's smartphone battery is low~