Loving the Same People

Mei left him, forgetting his heavy past and staring at the new thing that was in front of him, this time continuing to move forward with this heart's confidence.

Not everyone has a dark past like May that left her a year behind. But, a year left that is considered meaningless does not mean there is no hope to progress.


"I used to be humbled, I was treated like a slave, people were arbitrary to me. People used to always insult me, thinking of me like a curse if I was around them....'

"I started cutting my hair, closing one of my eyes, and locking myself up... It feels claustrophobic... This tightness in my heart....'

'There is no cure or cure....'

"The morning I saw the sky from behind the window still the same, I hesitated to go to school... And asked from the bottom of my heart, is this year still the same?

'I thought about it....'