Hashi no Houkai

"If we pass the official road that has a bridge it... We're going to... DEAD!!"

What Ibara said just now made Fuyuki and her friends goosebumps, shocked and also scared.

*Mother's speech is sometimes efficacious

Ayami wondered to himself, "What is the same future message?"


Fuyuki turned her head towards Ayami who also looked gloomy when she heard it.

"Ano...." Fuyuki greeted her mother with her worried expression, "It seems like I already know the outline...."

"Do you know too?" asked Ibara.

"Yes, then he pointed towards Ayami, "This girl... I had the same memories before my mother."

"He!?" sighed Ibara surprised. He just knew Ibara that Ayami was a witch, "But, he... Fuyuki ... There's a chance he's the one who sent the message!" said a panicked Ibara who suspected Ayami.

Mawaru tried to assert it, "No, he's honest, really. Although a witch, she's not the one to mess with all this."