Chapter 1300. The Participants are Complete

The others were staring at Master. This ethereal had always been silent. His unexpected outburst drew everyone's attention.

"A god…?" Naomi asked.

Jack said to them. "No need to listen to him, especially what he said about that dictator shit. He is a megalomaniac who tries to conquer the world and imagines himself as a God enslaving everyone. You can just treat his words as farts."

Stefan rolled his eyes at Jack. 'Wasn't it you who baited him into this conversation?' His eyes said.

Master realized he had let his emotion get the better of him. He harrumphed and leaned back onto the wall. He turned his face away from Jack.

"Hey, we just starting to know each other. Don't stop when the conversation starts to get interesting," Jack said to him.

"I've conversed enough. Are you going back on your words?" Master said.

"Ugh, fine. I will not bother you… for a few hours," Jack said.