Chapter 1928. Mano-a-mano

"Im… Impossible…"

Dajja was amidst the battle near the defensive walls but still paid attention to what happened to Satan. His superior eye gave him a very wide field of view. Not as wide as the vision of Tetsuo's Battle Mantis, but his field of view was around two-hundred-and-seventy-degrees. He could also see farther than normal. Satan and Jack fought at a location so far it was unperceivable by normal beings, but Dajja could watch their battle.

This was the first time in his life that he questioned the information his exceptional eye had acquired. He couldn't wrap his head around how the outworlder managed to reduce such a large portion of Satan's HP in such a short window. This was something unheard of, even in the underworld.

His mind was in turmoil. He had to go help his lord! His instinct was correct. There was something unusual about that outworlder.