Black Dress

From the author. Hello everyone, I publish a story here only once. all other stories in the genre 18+ on my patreon




On the occasion of the New Year in Konoha, a party was held, where all the allies of the village were invited. Even the people from Suna arrived, who were inundated with letters by Naruto. Uzumaki was especially happy when Gaara informed him that they would be staying in Leaf for the holidays. The guy then jumped to the ceiling, realizing that all this time he would try to bring Kazakage together with poor Matsuri, who arrived with everyone.

The party was the day before the holiday itself, but even this was enough for one person to annoy a person who is generally passive in life.

Temari stood and talked sweetly with the boy who works in the Hokage residence. His name was Tevan, and everyone knew he was crazy about his sister Kazekage.

Kunoichi then smiled at genin, then allowed him to touch her, which was rare even for Shikamaru! At one point, she even allowed the guy to hug her and kiss her on the cheek.

Those who knew Nar well already knew that Chunin would be in trouble at work, and Temari would be in trouble elsewhere.

Until the end of the holiday, the blonde was surrounded by Tevan's attention, which angered the genius even more.

And everything would have been fine from the very beginning, if the sand pet hadn't worn the dress that Shikamaru likes so much to the party. A black dress, with lace on the chest and a fully open back, which was just above the knees. This was the most beloved and hated part of the girl's wardrobe for Shikamaru. Beloved because he could always feel the velvet skin of his beloved and because only he could see her in this dress and only he knew that this dress could be easily removed. And hateful, because everyone sees his girlfriend and all her advantages, which are so emphasized by the dress.

"Don't crush the glass," Karui went to the young man and took the fragile object from his hands. "Just go and make up with her.

"I already tried," Shinobi continued to glare at Chunin. — She won't talk to me."

"Are you a guy or something?" Kunoichi raised her voice. - I know that Temari can be demanding in many cases. But when it comes to sex, she forgets all the principles and ideals that she adheres to and becomes a different person. She especially likes it with you. She said it herself.

— That won't solve the problem." Moreover, I repeat, she does not even want to see me.

- With the help of sex, the problem can not be solved, but after all, no one forbade to make an ordinary pleasure flow into a great pastime.

Karui left Shikamaru alone with that sentence. He himself knew that ordinary sex could not solve the problem, but as Karui had said, it could fix the usual "I'm sorry".

By the time the party was over, it was already four o'clock in the morning. Everyone began to leave for their rooms or homes, and Naradecided to accompany Temari to the hotel, only the girl went in the opposite direction from her. The guy followed the girl across the rooftops, so that he would not be noticed. Then he learned that the eldest Daughter had purchased a house in Kanoh, where she was staying.

"And she didn't tell me," the young man whispered to himself as he watched kunoichi.

His habit of entering houses through windows, as he does at home, has remained forever in his life. He landed on the roof of the sandy house and was about to descend to the ground,but noticed a sunroof. Fortunately for the guy, it was unlocked and the Shinobi easily found himself inside.

The adviser found himself in the corridor, on the stairs that led to the roof. In front of him, he saw a small corridor with three doors and a staircase to the first floor. The genius went downstairs and before his eyes appeared a living room decorated with Christmas decorations with a large Christmas tree near the wall.

The girl herself was standing on the kitchen floor, which was separated only by a bar counter from the living room itself, and was pouring herself a glass of wine. She was still wearing a black dress. A damn piece of cloth.

"The elite wine of Sassicaia, Bolgheri Sassicaia," Shikamaru said, loud enough to announce his presence. One of our favorite.

- What are you doing here…

— I came to talk, - the shinobi was ahead of her.

"Go away."

"I'm not leaving until we talk," Narasaid, moving closer to the girl.

"If you don't leave now, I'll tell my brothers and the agreement between Suna and Konoha will end," kunoichi threatened, realizing that she was only a table top.

— You won't do that.

"Don't you dare use your techniques on me," a thin shadow stretched across the floor, taking control of the Dog.

— I didn't have anything to do with her. I was drugged and fell asleep, and Shiho arranged my things so that it looked like I was sleeping with her. She knew you were coming. I didn't have anything with her, and it couldn't be, and it can't be.

"Did you say everything?"

- Yes.

"Go away."

"Woman, did you even hear me?" the guy whined in frustration.

"Yes, I heard you, but I wasn't listening.

"That's it, I'm tired of it.

Without waiting for her to collect her thoughts, he leaned down and kissed her roughly. The guy's hands, with a well-honed movement, found and undid the lock on the dress. The clothes fell to the floor with a soft rustle.

"I hate this fucking dress!"

Nara took a step back, eyeing the blonde with an arrogant grin. Her stomach clenched at the scrutiny of those dark eyes, but her inner dignity made her stand erect,her head held high. The technique of submission had long since fallen asleep.

Cold fingers touched the back of her neck, then slowly began to descend, tracing each vertebra almost tenderly on the velvety skin of her back. A light kiss on the earlobe, and Temari is already completely given to the actions of the genius. Meanwhile, the lips were moving lower: a few light touches to the neck, then the shoulder, finally the collarbone and chest.

The counselor lifted the girl up and set her down on the countertop, leaving red spots on her neck.

— I hate you, - Temari bit the skin on the shinobi's neck.

— But you like what I do, " he reminded her, squeezing her waist. — Where's your room?"

"Right down the hall." Third from the right.

Shinobi tightened his grip on Temari and lifted him into his arms, carrying him into the room, laying him on the cold bed.

— You're wearing a black dress."

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" The blonde smiled sweetly.

— I forbade you to wear it." Only I can see your body in it. Who gave you permission?

- Well... - for the delay, the young lady received a painful slap on the buttocks. "Don't you dare hit me.

— Don't you dare wear that fucking dress again without my permission." "Bad, very bad girl," Shikamaru drawled in a voice that didn't bode well. "Do you know what happens to those who disobey, Your Highness?" he paused significantly, leaning close to his ear. - They are being punished…

Nara ran his hand over the girl's flat, bare tummy, freeing her entire body from the underwear that now hinders the guy. After a couple of seconds of looking at the open chest, he pressed his lips to the excited nipple of kunoichi.

Temari arched her back, covering her eyes, and moaned with pleasure.

She could feel the guy's fingers slowly moving to the hot bosom of the princess and penetrating inside. She felt his insistent fingers inside her, caressing, rubbing, stroking the most sensitive places and points, the existence of which she had not even suspected before.

But suddenly the action stopped, causing Temari to let out a frustrated groan.

I only pulled Nara away so that I could take off my unnecessary clothes. After doing this, his eyes were once again at the level of the jade stones.:

— I wanted to apologize first, and then I wanted to be in bed with you." But you're so stubborn that you won't even listen to me. You didn't answer my letters for a whole month, you didn't let me come to your house when I came to Suna. They wouldn't even let me come near you. And everything could have been avoided if you had listened to me.

In the next instant, Nara abruptly moved forward, filling the girl up to the limit. Kunoichi wasn't prepared for this, so she gulped for air in the first few seconds. She was always amazed by Shikamaru's size and excited her imagination.

The guy decided to punish the girl a little by moving very slowly in her. She never liked it, and neither did the genius. But for her to learn her lesson, he was willing to do whatever it took.

This frenzied marathon lasted until six in the morning, when both were exhausted and fell asleep.


Temari woke up first in the late afternoon, around eight o'clock. Holding the blanket, she propped herself up on her elbows to look at the sleeping Shikamaru next to her.

"No one and nothing will wake you up," the Dog said to herself, and began to look for something to put on.

When the item was found, the girl threw on a genius shirt and left the room to drink some water or finish a glass of wine, which she did not touch because of Shikamaru.

In the kitchen, she noticed her dress on the floor and decided to hang it back in the room. After that, the blonde returned, took the drink in her hands and went to the Christmas tree, which still lacked one ball. Kunoichi took two Christmas balls in her hands and put them to the tree in turn.

The girl stood for five minutes in thought and would have continued to be in such a trance if she had not felt hot hands on her waist.

— Which one do you like better: matte or glossy? The blonde put two balloons on an empty spot on the Christmas tree.

— I like it better when you lie naked and moan from my caresses, - Shinobi ran his tongue along the curve of the neck, lightly biting the skin.

She turned to face Shikamaru and clasped her hands around her neck. — You've had enough for today.

— I may have been too fond of you and had too little, since you didn't understand that it's better for me not to forbid what I want and not to make me angry?" Nara gently ran his hand down her thigh and grabbed her calf, lifting her leg up to his torso. Temari involuntarily grabbed his head and her lips began to touch the lips of the guy. But he was in no hurry to engage kunoichi in a kiss. — Then I'll teach you a lesson about not making me jealous, honey." I am terrible in anger.

A smile played on the girl's lips. She didn't believe that Shikamaru could be cruel to anyone. - Prove it and then I'll let you cum inside me.

"You asked for it," Naragrowled.

The genius grabbed the girl by the waist with one hand, and the other ran from the leg up to the girl's crotch. He began to slowly move his labia in search of the clitoris. When I found it, the girl, who is now barely standing on her feet from pleasure, already began to moan and bend her back.

- Nikagogo comfort you, Temari. It's my own fault.

Shinobi picked up the girl under her thighs and put her on the bar counter. He took off his shirt from the girl, starting to bite kunoichi's nipples, pulling them away. Temari hissed as if she liked it, but in fact it was painful and unpleasant. Unexpectedly for the blonde, the head of the clan pressed his lips to the girl's crotch and began to draw only patterns that he understood with his tongue. The tongue had already reached the clitoris and as soon as it touched it, the girl let out a loud moan of pleasure.

— I'm being too gentle…

Nara squeezed the waist of his beloved to red spots and, pressing his free hand on her throat, threw her back. He began to bite the body of sandy in all places, leaving traces of teeth, and somewhere drops of blood.

The hand moved to the girl's firm chest, squeezing until it hurt.

— You don't like it?" Naraapproached Temari's face. "You're not used to being treated like this," the hand moved back to his neck and squeezed his throat as he lifted kunoichi's body towards him. — I've always given you nothing but pleasure, but it's time for a little fun."

He kissed the girl's scarlet lips. The kiss was not gentle at all, but completely rough, wet. The guy was biting the girl's lips, I constantly feel a metallic taste on my lips.

After a couple of minutes, he went back down to the Dog's crotch and inserted one finger, then the other. At first, Shikamaru moved them slowly and slowly, but at one point, he sped up as much as he could, adding a third finger.

"Oh, my God! Temari shouted.

— You won't come until I let you, tempter."

The young lady's moans and pleas for permission were heard throughout the house. Nara tormented the girl with several actions at the same time: he did not allow her to finish, tormented her from the inside and caused discomfort, squeezed her breasts to bruises and bit the skin on her slender legs.

— I won't let you." Be patient.

— Please... - these sighs so turned on Naru that he began to beat the girl on the buttocks, leaving red marks. "I get it…

— What do you understand?" The genius pressed his fingers against the girl's clit. She arched her back, but the dark-haired man's hand wouldn't let her get up. — I can't hear ... louder."

— I realized I was wrong.


— And that it's unnecessary to make you jealous." Oh, my God! - the blonde felt how the adviser began to caress her bottom. "Are you kidding me?"

"Don't you dare… I didn't allow it…

For a couple of minutes, Shikamaru tormented the girl, and then took off his pants in which he was. The brunette took Temari in his arms and once again inserted his fingers into her crotch. As the head of the clan carried the girl into the room, she kept rising and falling on the boy's fingers.

"Do you know why I was careful with you?" he bit the girl's chin and then left a red hickey on her neck. — You'd be in pain." You're already too narrow. But you're getting punished, so be patient.

The guy laid her on the cold bed and with a sharp movement completely entered the girl, not even allowing her to get used to him.

"My God ..." the girl cried out in pain. "It hurts."

Nara immediately took a fast pace and began to completely enter and exit the girl, causing great pain and incredible pleasure. The moans got louder and louder, until at one point Shikamaru came right into the girl.

"No, I haven't let you come yet.

— And I only let you do it once…

"I'm making the rules today.

The guy sat down on the bed and put the girl on his penis. At first, he slowly helped the girl, but then ordered her to do everything herself, otherwise she would have to endure for a long time. Shikamaru only helped the girl by holding her waist, not allowing her body to rise, leaving red spots on her neck. Only the girl's thighs were now working hard and burning from the slaps and scratches.

- Please, Nara…

— Beg for me, Princess.

- Please… I realized that I had done something stupid… But please, let me…

- Come on.

The couple came at the same time. A wave of orgasm passed through the bodies of both of them. Their heavy breathing was like a melody. He lay down next to his beloved.

"Lesson learned?"


- The answer is not correct.

Nara turned the girl on her stomach and began stroking her buttocks. He bit the tender skin a couple of times and squeezed it hard.

"Nara, don't you dare.

- Bitch. You haven't let me near you all evening. Made me jealous. She wouldn't let me kiss her or touch her. You know very well that we don't see each other very often, and when you're so close but I can't touch you, it makes me uneasy. So I have the right to do whatever I want with you today. Happy New Year, my love.

Shinobi did not listen to the girl and abruptly entered her. He grabbed the girl by her short hair and pulled her toward him, forcing her to her knees. A broad hand cupped her breast and began to squeeze, while the second went down to the clitoris of the girl and began to caress. The genius himself began to move quickly inside the girl.

"Shikamaru ..." the girl moaned out loud as a warm liquid appeared inside the girl.

Nara carefully placed the girl next to Woba and covered both of them with a blanket. — You're the most precious thing I have. Don't even think that I could cheat on you with someone.


"You gave me more bruises than I've ever gotten on a mission," Temari said, standing in front of the mirror and examining the bruises on her arms and legs. She had already wrapped a silk robe around her body, even though Nara wanted her to stay in bed with him. — How am I supposed to walk around with this now?"

— If you hadn't brought me out, this wouldn't have happened, - Naragot out of bed, put on his pants and went to open the door to the person who has been knocking for about two minutes. "Who's there to break in on you?"

When Shikamaru opened the door, the same guy who Temari had talked to at the party was standing in front of him. But already with a bouquet of flowers in his hands.

"Is Temari home?" Tevan asked with a look of hatred. — And who are you?"

"I'm Temari's fiance, but who are you?" This worries me more — - the genius of Konoha made an incomprehensible face.

"The groom?" I'm clutching a bouquet of roses.

"Honey, who's there?" The head of the clan felt an arm around his torso and threw his arm back, wrapping his arm around his fiancee's neck. "Let's go back to bed…

"I brought you some… That is, you have flowers to congratulate you on the upcoming New Year — " the young man looked at the girl and noticed a bunch of bruises on her. — I wanted to talk to you."

Temari took Shikamaru's face in her hands and pressed a kiss to her lips. Nara lifted the girl into his arms and the Dog closed the door with her foot. "How he pisses me off."

— And that's why you were flirting with him?" The counselor continued to kiss his neck. "Where is your logic, woman?"

— My mind is busy with something else at the moment. There are still a couple of hours until the new year and I want to spend them unforgettable…

— Just say what you want, and I'll do it."

- You…

- It will be executed.


There were only twenty minutes left until the New Year, and Shikamaru didn't have time to do anything. He wanted to give Temari the best gift of his life. Offer to marry him.

Only he hadn't had time to do anything, and now he was sitting on the bed, holding a velvet box with a white gold ring inside.

— Why, when it comes to you, honey, is everything going wrong for me?" The genius asked into the silence while the blonde was doing something in the bathroom.

- Shika, help me fasten it — - the voice of his girlfriend instantly made the guy hide the box in his pocket. A dog came out of the bathroom in that stupid black dress.

"It's there again?" Shikamaru asked irritably. — I didn't let you."

"It's just the two of us at home," Kunoichi kissed him on the lips and turned her back. — No one will see me in it without it.

— I'll see you in it, and without it, - in one movement Narazipped up the zipper and together with Temari they went to the hallway to get dressed and go outside to watch the fireworks.

Well, and not just to look at the lights in the sky.