Your Eyes Tell

"His eyes. I miss seeing his eyes."

In the shape of the globe, in the roundness of the sphere, here it lays a big circle of a ball. The contrast of the light that the sun emitted, gave a beautiful illusion of the muddy Earth to the enormous shade of black pit in the middle of it.

They were so beautiful and ethereal. It was as if they hold the secret of the earth while it blend with the humans as they walk to the path of the circle of life. 

Magical, a grace from the gods, it illuminated the essence of both strength and reliability. But there was something more whenever he looked at those dazzling pieces of orbs.

He could relate to the feeling of loneliness, sadness and isolation that the orbs elicit. The heaviness that it brought as it dull-like figure could give a bad vibe.

He didn't care. For him, those brown orbs were the perfect combination for his blue ones. He could feel comfortness whenever he looked at them even from afar.

He knows that he was secured whenever he accidentally stared at them. Those brown orbs inspire him to appreciate every simple thing in life.

No matter how bad or good his life was, those brown orbs gave him support and protection. It made him more human than the animal they trained him as.

Something that he frowned upon and regret. He doesn't want anyone to find out that his adopted family bought him from his parents so they could use him to do something bad.

He was just a child back then. But they treat him more matured than anyone from the family. They made him work and train with weaponry and other militaristic etiquettes.

The feeling of desolation and rage were what his adopted family take advantage of when he started hurting people. 


They made him hurt people. He was just an innocent boy at that time. He knew nothing about guns and knives yet they taught him more than that.

He was never proud of his gruesome past. He wanted to forget it and moved on with his life. But the pain and the suffering from the families of the people that he hurt were still ingrained in his mind.

To make him feel pain and to make him listen to their cries of justice for their fallen loved ones. To haunt his dreams and to hunt him for his soul.

Seeing their faces made him feel like he was the devil. He was the person who could wipe the whole population of his adopted family's enemies. 

  The look of triumph from his family made him happy but there was still something inside of him that made him regret everything that he did.

He thought that he will be the devil forever until an angel sent from nowhere greeted him with his muddy brown orbs. 

He was ecstatic and frantic because he never talked to any human beings before. He was scared but the angel made him feel comfortable and showed him the simplicity of life that he never knew existed.

But when that angel went away, a piece of him still longs for those muddy brown orbs that the angel carried around with his bright smile.

They were enchanting.

He was scared that his life could be the same as before so he hatched a plan of escaping from the country where he was brought to the place where the angel said he was moving at.

He asked the helped of his cousins but none of them wanted to help him and get caught by the devil inside of their mansion. 

When all hopes were lost, some of his older cousins gave him a plane ticket and his own passport. Giving him their full support of moving on with his life without the devil's supervision.

He was happy. He didn't know how much he could thank his cousins so after receiving the passport and the plane tickets he went straight to the airport and did not look back.

He strived to find the only person who made him feel like a human and not the devil they pertained him to. He looked all over the capital region of the country until he was tipped off by someone who apparently knew the angel.

He never trusted anyone but something made him give the guy his full trust. He was wrong.

The guy made him sign up to join a fraternity. He was reluctant, at first. But after several hours of contemplating and reflecting to his plans, he signed the application form and used all of the fraternity's resources to find his angel.

At last, he finally found him. 

In the place where lanterns were the main events, where people celebrates Christmas as if it is another festivities, where people speaks in a different language other than the national language of the country. 

In the place where the first Spanish province in the Northwest side of the capital region, named as the Culinary Capital of the country, known for its delicious and heavenly dishes.

After finding out his angel's location, he dropped out of the fraternity he was at and moved to the province to start a new life with another cousin in tow. His other cousin arrived before he could file his resignation to the fraternity.

He was never fond of his younger cousins because none of them ever befriended him back in their own country. But after living with his cousin for several months, he finally realized the value of having a family through him.

Even though sometimes, his cousin liked to tease him and joke around him about stupid little things. He still managed to blow him away when it comes to serious subjects.

They both enrolled to the same university and that's when he started to get ecstatic again. He was excited to enter this new university as a professor since being a student was not acceptable after welcoming another cousin of his.

He could only sigh when his other cousin gave his final decision and applied for a position to the university as a professor in both forensic and medical field. 

Clauff-Gon University was a big university and he would have a hard time finding his angel but fate had been with him all along when he accidentally showed him the fastest way for him to watch over his angel.

Now, he could sigh in relief knowing that his angel was just right around the corner. 

He chuckled as he looked at him from afar as the angel smile with all of his glory as those muddy brown pieces of orbs that he has shine as the sunlight hit his eyes. 

His angel. His savior. His name is Aiden.