You Never Walk Alone

"Are you ready?"

Daime nods in agreement and prepares everything that they both need, including the tiny boxes and the bottle of lube. 

They look at each other before hiding everything underneath Aiden's bed when Primo felt something beneath it.

In curiosity, the older man stoops down and looks underneath the bed and is shock by what he sees. 

He grabs it and shows it to Daime, which made the younger burst out in laughter.

"Looks like, he won't be having a hard time now, huh."

Primo agrees and puts the thing back to where it came from before flopping down to the bed near the nightstand and charges his phone while scrolling away from a page where his report is.

Minutes later, Aiden came out of the bathroom wearing a large long sleeve polo that looks like it is part of Primo's clothes. The sleeves were too big for Aiden that it looks like a dress to him.

Daime licks his lips and Primo did the same. They both look like they are going to enjoy the treat in front of them. But there are still some questions in the back of their minds. 

Will Aiden let them with what they want? Or he will be against them?


Aiden is drying his hair when he felt as if the awkward air around the room and looks at the two who are busy scrolling through their phones. Aiden wonders if what they are planning. 

"What are they doing?"

He whispers lowly to himself, making sure that none of them heard what he says. 

He is ready though with whatever they want to do. He prepares himself for tonight in case something will happen. He flops to the bed while he waits for them to attack him.

But nothing like that is happening. 

He thought that the moment he would go outside the bathroom, they would attack him like wild animals and he would be gladly to get ramp up by them.

But there were just there, sitting at the corner of the room while scrolling through their mobile phones. 

"What the hell? I readied myself for this night but they are not moving on their spots!"

Aiden grumpily pouts and crossed his legs on the bed and takes his phone from the nightstand.

He starts to scroll on his phone like what the two Santoro cousins are doing. He can't help but think that maybe his sex appeal no longer works after Primo had touched him.

He grunts and frowns and makes other bedroom noises but the two of them remain in the corner of the room, not moving.

With his frustration piling up inside of him, Aiden slams his phone on the top of the nightstand and stomps away from the bedroom.

"Since you are not giving me the attention that I need, I will sleep on the couch!"

Thinking that no one is going to follow or grab him, he speeds up walking towards the door. 

But before he can even turn the door knob, large arm wraps around his waist and suddenly he feels the soft mattress and pillows again.

"Where do you think you are going?"

Aiden looks in front of him and he only sees two wild animals, looking down at him as if he is some sort of a prey that they would pry him open and feast him to the bones.

He gulps and trembles underneath their eyes. Aiden feels scared. 

He wants to run away and get help from his neighbors but the next neighbor is two doors away from him. His legs feel like they were jelly and his body is trembling.

But not because of fear. It is because of the anticipation.

Aiden wants to know what will happen to him at the end of it all. As the two cousins draw closer to him, Aiden have seen his ending. 

This is will be the last day he would able to walk around their house without crying out in pain.




Aiden feels pain in every inch of his body. His butt is sore and his muscles are screaming in pain. He curses under his breath as he tries to lift his body up.

But every time he does that, he would scream in pain and grunts. Daime and Primo are outside, listening to his groans and his grumbles. 

"Did we go too far?"

Primo stops chopping the vegetables and looks at Daime, who looks concern to Aiden's condition after what had happened last night. 

Primo thought about it too but he felt like his mind was flooded with lust the moment Aiden came out of the bathroom. He never felt something like that before.

It was all new to him.

Daime sees his cousin's face and is about to retort when he realized that maybe Primo did not anticipate what had happened last night. Daime had never felt so good in sex before.

Last night is probably the best sex he had for a very long time. He sighs as he continues to stir on the soup in the cauldron. 

Primo goes out of his mind and immediately chops off the vegetables needed for the soup.

"I think we really did."

Daime thought of cooking a soup rich in carbohydrates and protein so Aiden could gain his energy in no time. 

Since they are both scared that Jasmine might do something with them if she finds out what they did to Aiden.

"Jasmine will definitely kill us if she finds out."

He asked Primo earlier of what soup is perfect for Aiden's condition. After almost an hour of deliberation between the two of them, they thought of a soup that Primo's grandmother used to cook for him.

"She won't if no one will tell her."

Daime grumbles as he looks for the other maids and butlers that walk passed by Aiden's room. Hoping that none of them had ever heard them last night. 

Daime looks at his cousin who tastes the soup before adding the other herbs and spices and looks back to the day that he first met Primo back in Switzerland.

He remembers the awful tradition that every Santoro needs to pass through before becoming the proper adult that they are. 

It is said that when a Santoro was born, they would live a fruitful life for ten years before taking them to the oldest Santoro to live like slaves with their other cousins who had been there for a long time.

The tradition dates back to the oldest times when the Santoro Clan still reign the country.

Grandmama is what they called the oldest living Santoro. She is known to be the most savage and the most evil woman ever lived in the lands of Switzerland. She is far more evil to her grandchildren.

For her, she is training them to survive in such an uncanny and evil world like the ones they are living right now. Some had survived and some already committed suicide.

But even after these occasions, the tradition must goes on. Hence, Daime had undergone the same procedure as his other cousins. But Primo didn't, which made him being a Santoro the biggest mystery inside of their family.

"Who are you?"

Primo looks at Daime, who is daydreaming while looking at him straight in the eyes. Daime blinks when he realizes what he just asks Primo.

This made Primo a bit awkward but it is quite natural to be asked even after a lot of years that he had been with the Santoro Clan. 

His identity is something none of them can answer except for Primo, himself. His life had been remain as a mystery since the first time he steps foot to Switzerland.

Something that even Daime wonders if he will ever tell him the whole truth.

"I am someone, who had been sold to your family in exchange for freedom."

Daime almost stabs his hand after hearing Primo's reason. He swiftly looks at his cousin, creating a whiplash effect straight to his mind.

Primo only smiles to him as he grabs the vegetables that Daime is chopping and did them himself. 

"It's okay. It's not your fault. Let's finish this so Aiden can eat."

Daime can only nod before preparing the utensils and bowls needed. He continues to look at Primo and his back.

Those invisible marks that represents every hardship after he escaped. Daime could only grumbles under his breath.

"I'm glad you are alive, dude."