What Happened?

Daime is walking along the hallways of St. Claire's Hall when he suddenly felt vibrations in one of his pockets. 

He stops for a minute and grabs his phone. He looks to whomever texted him and questions his sanity when he saw Primo's name.

"Am I dreaming or hallucinating? Today is not that day, right?" 

He opens the notification from his cousin after unlocking his phone and reads the message with his eyes.

Daime frowns while reading the message. He never thought his cousin would be asking him for help since Primo usually does it on his own.

It is unusual for him to ask Daime for a favor or a request. He stares at the message before his phone vibrates once again.

This time, Primo is calling him. 


"You got the message right? Now, where is it?"

Daime's mind stops for a while before Primo's message came through. 

"Oh yeah, sorry. It was by the shelf near the bathroom's door."