Chapter 9 Did her love mean nothing to him?

Looking at the heartless face of the man, finally, she couldn’t help shouted, 'Five years’ compensation? How are you going to compensate me? Five years of my youth, five years of waiting, how can you just ignore this? Jonathan, I just had an abortion surgery because of you and I can no longer get pregnant again. Now you want to abandon me that easy? Lindsay came back so you can treat me like garbage?'

Jonathan was stunned and he was upset and angry, looking at Yolanda, which was like a blade, saying, 'Yolanda, You have no idea about the feeling that the one you love came back to life again. That excitement and gratitude are what you have never been through. So you can’t understand me. You don’t know how it feels like to make up all those five years she had been gone for her.'

Jonathan’s words shocked and stunned Yolanda. She didn’t come to her sense until he went downstairs and left, until this house got terribly quiet.

The excitement and gratitude toward coming back to life?