'Yes.' He reached out his hand, touched her long soft hair and said softly, 'I need a Mrs. Mason, and you are just right.'
'But...' She bit her lip and hesitated.
'Why? No?' Mason's eyes suddenly cooled down. 'Grace, don't you still have Carl on the brain, do you? The person he loves is Stella.'
'I don't.' Grace shook her head hurriedly, raised her face and looked at Mason. She said clearly, 'I just don't think I am worthy of you. After all, I am not the first daught of Chi family anymore, who used to be incomparable in beauty. Now I am just an ugly monster with a bad voice and a ruined face.'
'I don't care.' His slender fingers fell down from her long hair on her face and laughed, 'Your face is quite good.'
Grace stared at his unpredictable eyes and couldn't help shivering.
She knew that Mason did not love her. He must have a different purpose in marrying her.