This woman, for the sake of money and power, can do such a thing, is really too much.
No, she must not let Mason be cheated like this! Mason family has helped her so much before, she must not stand idly by.
Thinking, Grace narrowed his eyes and smiled and dialed the telephone of Mason.
The phone rang a few times and was picked up. Mason at the other end of the phone was somewhat surprised: 'Grace, why did you call me?'
'Mason, I'm in the hospital. Do you want to come and see me?' Grace said smiling.
'What's the matter with you? Is there anything wrong?' He asked hurriedly.
'I'm fine. I just want to see you. Come here quickly.' With that, she hung up the phone.
After hanging up the phone, she called Wen Tingyi again, asked Wen Tingyi to do a small favor, and then leaned against the door of the hospital, waiting for the start of the drama.
After a few minutes, Rose did come out of the hospital.
Seeing Grace standing at the door, she was dazed and wanted to bypass Grace.