You made a huge mistake.

The skinny guy is walking behind me and I'm quite nervous because he's holding a pocket knife and I can't see him at all. A light brown-haired guy is looking at me while smoking his cigarette, I look at him and I don't know from which family they're in since I can't see the pin from here. I'm standing in front of him and now I can see the pin on his suit, if I remember it right, they're from the Hasegawa Clan, I can breathe at ease now since they're one of Ren's men. I wonder why they want to see me and I don't think they're here because Ren told them to, and they're trying to threaten me so that means they're here for something else.

I look at the light brown-haired guy, he's puffing his smoke while keeping eye contact with me. He's staring at me for quite a while and then he tilts his head.

"Did you beat up a kid in your school yesterday?"

I'm furrowing my forehead and I'm surprised because how did he know that I beat my seniors yesterday, could it be that one of their parents is a Yakuza? If that's the case then it all makes sense now. I look at him and nod.

"Yes, is one of those kids is your son?"

The bright brown-haired guy is raising his eyebrow.

"One of those kids? You're telling me you beat up more than one kid yesterday?"

I nod.

"Yes, there are five of them in total and I beat them up."

The skinny guy is chuckling while lighting his cigarette.

"Aniki, it seems that this kid is a fighter."

The bright brown-haired guy is glaring at him and he immediately goes quiet. The bright brown-haired guy is crossing his arms and looks at me.

"That's right, I came here to give you a lesson to not mess with someone's kid. Show me your hands, kid."

I scoff and shake my head.

"Before I do that, I'm going to warn you that you're making a huge mistake because you're Ren's man, and if he knows about this, I don't know what is he going to do with you all."

The skinny guy walks past me and he stands next to him. He looks scared, and not just him, but the other guys behind him also look scared when I said his name, but the bright brown-haired guy is still calm.

"Aniki, how did he know about young master? Is he someone that young master knows?"

The bright brown-haired guy is clicking his tongue.

"Of course not! Are you guys stupid? There's no way young master knows someone like him!"

The bright brown-haired guy then looks at me and continues.

"It seems that you know a lot about the Hasegawa Clan, kid. I give you a prop for that, but that won't work for me, and if you're not the young master friend, I can report it to him and you will know that you made a huge mistake using his name around here, kid."

I just smile and raise my eyebrows, then they are bringing me into the dark alley since there are too many students around here. As soon as we are deep in the alley, they're starting to grab their pocket knife in their trouser pocket. There are four of them in front of me, and they all have weapons in their hands, I'm not stupid enough to fight them but at the same time if I didn't fight them, they would hurt me so badly.

The bright brown-haired guy looks at me and flips open the pocket knife.

"Now, show me your hands, kid."

I take a deep breath and exhale deeply, I'm slowly raising my hands while looking at them and waiting until they're lowering their guards. As soon as one of them is lowering their knife, I immediately clench my fist and straight punch the bright brown-haired guy as hard as I can, then I throw a left hook at the skinny guy. Two of them are knocked back, I immediately run away to leave the alley and kick one of them in the balls before they can react, but when I'm about to run, the last guy is grabbing my backpack and pulls me toward him. I manage to remove my backpack, but then I feel something is hitting my lower back, something sharp and I can feel something warm is coming out from my lower back, and when I try to look back, I start to feel the sting coming from my back. The bright brown-haired guy just sliced my lower back with his pocket knife.

I keep running and the wound starts to hurt very badly, now I know how it feels to be sliced by a knife, but I'm still having an adrenaline rush so this pain isn't the real pain that I'm about to feel when I calmed down. I keep running and when I'm about to leave the alley, they manage to grab my neck and pull me back. The skinny guy is giggling maniacally and walks past me while the rest of them are holding me, at this moment I know that I'm going to be tortured.

I scream my lungs out, but then the skinny guy immediately covers my mouth with a handkerchief. I hope someone hears my scream, and that's my last effort. I'm getting dragged back into the alley, but then I hear a footstep is coming into the alley, I see a person is standing in front of the alley while smoking. I know that he sees me, but why is he looks so calm and doesn't help me, is he one of these guy's friend? If so that I'm so dead.

He throws his cigarette and stomps it with his loafers.

"What are you guys doing?"

They all look at him and the skinny guy raises his eyebrows.

"Haah?! Mind your own business!"

The guy is entering the alley and the moment we all can see his face, the four of them remove their hands from me and backs away with their eyes and mouths wide open with disbelief. The skinny guy is hiding his pocket knife and looks at the guy in a black suit.

"K-Ka-Kaichou (Captain)!"

A scary-looking guy is looking at them and then he looks at me.

"What are you doing here, Ganba? Who is that?"

The captain is walking forward since they didn't answer his question and as soon as he looks at me, his eyes are wide open, and immediately glare at those guys. A single glare is enough to make them all tremble in fear and go down on their knees, but then I hear footsteps are coming into the alley. I see Ren with his men walking behind him, he looks at me on the floor is groaning in pain.

Ren is furrowing his forehead and raising his eyebrow.

"Norl-kun, what are you doing on the ground? I thought you're not a weakling, but what's this?"

I'm trying to stand up and the pain is too much for me to handle so I fall on the ground and that's when Ren, the captain, and his men see my wound on my back. I don't know what are their expressions, but I can tell that Ren is surprised.

The captain is walking past me and I can hear his voice.

"What have you done? Not only did you stab a kid, but you also stabbed the young master's friend. See me in my office in an hour, if one of you didn't come, I will personally find you and kill all of you."

A few guys are carrying me, and I'm getting a bit tired and exhausted. My eyes feel heavy and I really want to close my eyes and fall asleep, but Ren puts his hand on the back of my neck. I look at him and he looks at me.

"Don't, stay awake as long as you can. I'm going to bring you to the doctor."

Ren looks at the captain and the captain is bowing his head. A scary-looking guy is scared of Ren, and I'm not sure if I should be impressed or terrified. I'm entering the car, and Ren is sitting next to me. He pushes me away and turns me around, he says that I shouldn't sit on my back and he pushes me down to the couch on my face while he's pressing the wound with a piece of cloth.

"Bring us to the doctor hurry."

The driver says.

"Yes, young master."

(An hour later)

The captain is sitting on the chair with Ryoma Hasegawa, they're discussing the family matter, but then someone is knocking on the door. The captain lets them in, and Ryoma looks at the four guys lowering their heads and he knows what is going to happen, but before he jumps to a conclusion, he looks at the captain.

"What did they do?"

The captain bows.

"They stabbed the young master's friend with a knife on the back."

Ryoma is humming with understanding, then he stands up from the chair and walks toward the door. He looks at the four of them and they all bow down so low that they almost fall off of balance. Ryoma looks at the captain.

"You can proceed and deal with this first. Come to my office when you're done."

The captain bows, then Ryoma leaves the room.

The captain takes a seat at the desk and one of his men is bringing a plank of wood and a knife stabbed in it. The captain looks at the four of them and tells them to come closer, they all slowly walk toward him and stand in front of his desk. The captain grabs a piece of paper and grabs the knife, he tries to cut the paper but the knife seems dull and it takes him a few tries to cut the paper in half, then he stabs the knife on the plank of wood.

The captain is pointing his hand at the knife while glaring at those four.

"Young master's order. Give me your finger using this knife or I will cut your necks with this knife. You all made a huge mistake and you must bear the consequence."

The four of them are gulping and their hands are trembling. The captain puts his hands together in front of his mouth while keep glaring at them.

"So, which one do you want to choose?"