Unbroken promise.

I explain everything to Aiko, from the moment her father threaten me to not investigate the truth about my parents' death to avoid her and her family. Not like her brother Ren, Aiko is showing so many expressions from confused, surprised, to concerned and she's listening to me while keeping eye contact to show that she really is worried about me. She can't believe that her father is playing with my feelings by not promising me that he will help me after he got what he wanted, I can't tell if Aiko hates her father or not but I do know one thing that Aiko also hates her uncle. I wonder why they both hate their uncle so much but I know one thing that their uncle is such an asshole.

Aiko is drinking her orange juice that already tastes bland because the ice has melted, she looks at the glass and then orders a new one. She clears her throat and looks at me while fixing her sitting.