It's dangerous when he says so.

I furrow my forehead and look at Uncle Hiro.

"Should I be worried? Do I have to stop opening the restaurant for now?"

Uncle Hiro chugs down the sake and then looks at me while waving his hand in front of his face.

"No, you don't have to, Aze. The department has sent units to patrol around the city so it will be safe from now on."

I'm humming with understanding and Uncle Hiro is pouring the sake into his glass again while looking at his colleague.

"But seriously? How can the chief only send a few units?! Did he think this thing is some trivial matter?! I can't believe it..."

Uncle Hiro's colleague is smiling and shaking his head.

"Kurokawa-san, you need to stop drinking because you're starting to spill the information that shouldn't be heard by civilians."

Uncle Hiro is clicking his tongue in denial, his colleague looks at me and gently smiles at me.