
I'm reading the textbook while Kyouko-chan is busy with her paperwork, I look at her and put my hands on the table. The detention class is almost over, I just need to bear with it longer since this is so boring and there's no point in this detention class. I close the book and rest my head on my hand while staring at the chalkboard, Kyouko-chan doesn't even bother checking on me so I know that we both are thinking the same thing.

"So, do you know who murdered my parents?"

Kyouko-chan's hand stops moving and then lifts her head to look at me.

"Didn't you promise that you won't ask those questions during the detention class?"

I'm pointing at the clock on the wall.

"But the class is over though, so I actually didn't break my promise."

Kyouko-chan looks at her watch and raises her eyebrows.

"Well then, you can go home now and I'm not going to answer you that question."

Kyouko-chan is packing her things and then gets up, I keep staring at her while resting my head on my fist.