It's starting.

Arata and I are cleaning the restaurant and the customers are quite a lot less than usual, I wonder if it's related to what's going on around the city or it's just everyone is just going home early. Arata packs his stuff in his bag and then he leaves first since he's scared if he's going home on his own late at night. I wipe the counter while looking at the empty road, even though it's normal at this house but knowing what's happening right now is making me a bit anxious. I look back and I didn't see Sando coming out from the back room after he ordered ramen, I decide to go there and check on him.

Sando is asleep, and he seems to be in a deep sleep, I look at the TV and turn it off since it's a waste of energy. Sando is mumbling and immediately opens his eyes, he notices that the TV is turned off and sees me about to leave the room. I look at him and toss the spare key at him, he looks at it with his eyes barely open, I nod up and tilt my head.