Bravery or fear?

I sit down on the sofa while keep staring at him while he keeps reading the document in his hands. I look around and see that it seems peaceful enough for a family that's being targeted by two big clans. The house is heavily guarded but that's how remembered when I visited the mansion, the captain looked at ease back there so I'm not if the news is telling the truth about the Hasegawa Clan.

Ryoma puts the document down and glares at me for quite a while, I can't do anything but look at him and try not to be intimidated or scared.

"Were you having fun in Oita, Norl-kun?"

I nod while keep looking at him.

"Yes, I had a lot of fun."

Ryoma is humming with understanding and then he leans on his chair.

"Did you forget what I said about staying away from my family, Norl-kun? But what's this? Do you think that I will let this go and ignore it? If you think that I would do something like that, then you're very wrong."

I nod with understanding.