A New Life

I slowly Opened my eyes and a bright light welcomed me

Ugh? When did I sleep? and was that a dream? ahaha I thought I really died From A car accident with my brother,Well time to get up now

huh? wait? What a Fancy ceiling~...This is not our house??!!! where am I?

I looked at my side and found a Woman...A Gorgeous Woman was Sleeping By my side

Oh my gosh?? Is she a Titan? Why does she looks so big? And Gorgeous..Eeekk I'm jealous

She suddenly opened her eyes and Looked at me

"Oh? you are Awake?

I can't understand what she is saying is she a Foreigner?

She sat down and Her hands Came closer to me

hold up? Is she really a Titan???!!!

Shocked I realized I was being held up by this woman like a baby

what in the world is happening? was Earth suddenly been invaded by some Extraterrestrial Being?Or did the extra genius humans decided to inject something to the people?

She said something I cannot understand again so I ignored her

I looked around And Saw my Tiny Arms,My Tiny Legs, and my tiny Body!!!

This isn't my body actually,Wait! isn't this a Baby's Body wow amazing what is happening?

The woman Said something again I looked around as I was being held by the woman

As I looked at my side I saw a middle-aged woman getting something from a cradle

The two womens talk ,I can finally see the Baby the middle-aged woman was carrying

She walked towards the woman who is carrying me And I took a closer look to the baby Who she was Carrying

The moment I realized That My body is in Baby's form my not so Empty Delusional Brain Conclude that I Nene, Had died....and Reincarnated In this body of a baby... Well this is the only reason I can think of

The baby moved and looked at the side where I was

When the baby and I looked at the eyes I then without doubt Agreed with my delusion

The baby Infront of me Smiled brightly and Forced his arms to stretch Pointing at me

So I smiled as well and As if I can hear Him Shouting Sister I then Shouted from my inner thoughts The word brother

Yes,That is without doubt my brother Jam


It has Been Such a long time since We realized That We really died from that Accident and Reborn here

It was quite unbelievable,Since I never heared of something like this..of course there are some beliefs that our souls are being reincarnated to a different place

But yes I get it we were Reborn,So Why is our memory still intact? thinking that I died Once gives me the chills

"Eliz!! You are Here again why do you Loves to crawl and wander around too much.. let's sleep now It's late"

The lady whom I thought was a Titan is actually my mother,A caring mother to Her Children....

Hmm...A mother,huh?

I can barely Understand What she is Saying but since I can even Pass The exam Without Understanding a thing From my Professor I can do it

Jam...ah no My Brother,My Twin Brother Who's name is Eziekielle is there Trying to Read some books he can't understand

Thinking about how I was The Older once hurts me...My younger Sibling just Became A Twin Sibling

But anyways,I'm super glad We are together even in this life

"Zieke!! You are reading a book again,Castro can you please get Zieke for me?"


The middle Aged woman whom her name is actually Castro hurriedly went to My brother to get him

I saw how he struggled when Castro get him from Lying on the ground

The woman who is carrying me then moved to the direction of the bed

No matter how many times I see this bed It still amazes me,I don't know if it is because I'm a baby or if it's just way to big.... I think Ten people will Be able to Sleep Comfortably there

She then lay me down on the bed and Castro lay down my brother besides me

"Do you want me to sing for the two of you again?"

"ohleaaaay~~ " It means oh yeah and my brother said that

"*chuckles* How cute"

She then sang a Beautiful Melody to us

Jam and I Loves her sing As it is so beautiful and serene

I felt my Eyes getting heavier so I forced my Mouth to open to Say Goodnight

"guaalay" And as usual...it sounds nothing as I wanted to say

"Goodnight,my sweet children"


Now It has been two years since Jam and I were reborn here.We are now Finally able to accept that This is our new life,We turned to a baby,And we have a Mother.....Our mother here is really good to us That is why it was super easy to be comfortable with her....and love her



We can also finally understand the language of this country since we really tried hard we also can speak slightly But we are better Than just normal babies

But when It is Just Jam-ah no Zieke And I we speak with our previous Language for better understanding of course don't mind our Baby voices

And Aside from Languages,We Discovered Our Family background

Our House-- no It's actually not a House I think it's a palace? Yep a palace! Because our house seems like a palace I thought I was born to Household of a super rich businessman but Damn I never thought of being a princess

Yes,Jam and I Nene,were reborn As a Princess and A Prince of an Empire,the Heir to the throne actually

When I first Heard it from Castro I was so Shocked that I almost Fell from the sofa I was Sitting,my brother on the other side,was petrified

Anyways, I don't know if I should be glad since I became a princess or Should I Be Afraid since I know what My responsibilities when I get older Since Jam and I are actually the Heir

But oh well,Since It's still in the future let's enjoy life!!!

We are surrounded with luxury...The Palace I am living is full of gold that even the bed is ornamented with it

I eat Delicious food Three times a day and even snacks

My life here is great but.....

A question always remain in my head

Where is our father? I sometimes Hear mother and Castro Talking about the Emperor and They sometimes talk about him to us...but I never saw him once in the two years of living here


"Oh? you calling me Nene huh,Oh yeah we are twins~~"

"Hmm...I was Born here first though~"

We walked side by sides until we get back to the palace we were living in talking Lightheartedly in our previous Language Of course

When We went Inside the leisure room I saw a Woman's back facing the large window Of the Room

"Mother?" Zieke Asked

The woman Turned to our direction and Smiled beautifully,She looks like an Angel, specially because she was wearing a Pure white dress

"You are back,you suddenly disappeared,where did you go?"

"The garden!!!" I answered

"Yeah? Are my children hungry from all that playing?"

One of the things I like about her,She gives us Food all the time

"Yeeesh!!!!" Zieke and I shouted

We were eating at our Leisure room when Castro Opened the Door and hurriedly Came closer to us

"Miss Lilith!!!!"

"Castro? What happened?"

She touched Mother's hand And smiled brightly and opened her mouth and said

"The Emperor is Finally coming back from the war"