Finn quickly took another scroll of his desk drawer and passed it to Dean, his expectations up high in the sky. Dean did not even got the chance to see the results of the second scroll, it been taken by Finn as soon as Dean activated it.
His body shook from head to toe, Finn started talking to himself "Incredible, just incredible. This is out of this world, this attributes can't be right, how is this even possible!"
Taking Finn out of his thoughts Dean asked "Are you guys going to say what do you want with me? Or what are you even talking about?
Finn shook his head then said, acting with more dignity, "I am trully sorry, this was juts, too surprising.
My name is Finn Schmidt, this is Hachiro Fujita. We are both outer elders from the Golden lion sect. How should I put this, tsk. eeh Let me explain what the sect is first.
The sect is a power above this kingdom and all other kingdoms of this and a some other islands, which you call continents. We mostly interfere with the gates, magical business and the collection of materials.
The sect is a place where we gather and help talented students, who earn that right to grow, who prove to be above the rest.
Every year the sect contacts anyone below the age of 20 with more than 70% affinity to an element to take an exam to become disciples of the sect. It is not really a secret we try to keep but normally only those with some form of contact know about it.
We also keep a look out for possibles genius who don't plan on taking the hunter exam. Normally is pretty easy to spot, but it seems one learned how to keep his aura retracted, hahaha"
Dean nodded, without showing much of a surprise, then said "I actually heard about the golden lion, I read somethings about how you ended the 50 year war. Then I researched some more on the spiritweb. I actually wanted to see the exam but I dint know where it was.
One thing, is my talent really that surprising? I am not really the biggest fan of strangers attention, not really my thing"
With clear disbelief in his expression, Hachiro said "Surprising? For the fifth thousand years the golden lion sect existed, there's about 5 people with talent close to yours and there is a good chance the books where exaggerating in their stories".
Seeing that his good friend was clearly out of himself after this surprise, Finn butted in saying "Its better to explain the magnitude of what we are talking about.
First your initial progress will be amazing because of your base stats, it will help you a lot. But what matters the most is the affinity.
When an affinity is above 90% you can call someone a true genius.
A true genius is when someone born with more than 50% affinity over an evolved version of their element, a high element. There's a rare chance someone with 80% can also have it but its minimal.
High elements are more powerful, unpredictable, versatile and the most important they spirit form will be more powerful. Its like a gift from the gods.
The amount of cultivators who killed themselves, turned themselves into monsters and hybrids, just for a chance to gain an affinity to a high element is enormous."
As soon as Finn finished Sarah said loudly "Enough talking about affinity this affinity that, I want to know about my son safety. Is this golden lion sect safe? I don't want my son entering high ranking dungeons and getting himself hurt or even worse"
Finn and Hachiro laughed, then Finn said "I can't really say he will be completely safe in the sect, as the sect policy is to earn your position, even for true genius they must prove themselves before being admitted as an inner disciple or at other privileged positions.
You can't really grow as a fighter without getting hurt.
But you don't have to worry, as the sect is extremely strict about killing and the clans will send their ball lickers to be his 'friends' as soon as they see a glimpse of this scroll".
Dean said "About that, can you not tell this to anyone. As I said before, I am not a people person, I like being on my own for most of the time. Unless I connect with the person, have things in common and other stuff, I really dislike talking with people I don't know"
Finn stroked his magnificent beard for a few second them said "I cannot keep this away from the patriarch nor from my clan leader, neither can Hachiro from his, and the patriarch will have to tell the grand elders and grand patriarchs, but is possible.
But if it meant you owing us a big favor our clan heads would not bother you, as for the patriarch he would actually like you more for it. But this would mean you will have to enter thru the normal test 5 days from now."
Brian squatted by Dean side and said "Son are you sure about this, this is serious. Maybe you should think this over some more"
Dean said "Don't worry dad, they are not lying or anything like that, and yes I am sure".
Brian released a sigh then said "I wasn't saying they where lying." he shook his head then continued "I will not go against your decision on this, you have always been smart enough to know where are getting into. Just be careful.
Finn right? Can you fake my son hunter test?"
Finn said "Oh don't worry, that is the easiest part. And parents we don't have to worry about his security. Even though you are supposed to earn your position and conquer things the patriarch and the clan heads will still keep a close eye on him. He will be safer there than out here."
Finn got up from his chair and said with a smile on his face, Dean and Hachiro getting up right after "Well today was something, now I have a lot of thing to take care hahaha. Oh right, one second... here, take this book, its a simple defense spell."
Oh one last thing the test will be at royal family autumn mansion at the morning, just say you are taking the test to the guards, and don't worry about the test there is none, being an outer disciple is the real test. Also don't go to any dungeons, if you get hurt me and Hachiro will lose our heads, literally hahaha. That was not a joke."