
Early in the morning, Ed was getting ready to go back to his house. The previous day he had said goodbye to Lauren, Craige, Hence and Dru that today he would be returning home due to work that he couldn't leave.

Because it is impossible for him not to work at all if even his father is currently in an impossible condition.

The longer he stays there, the more dangerous it is for his family to maintain the company.

Many enemies are targeting his company as well as its glory, so it's not surprising that his father's business competitor could be a candidate that could harm Craige.

When it comes to business, the competition will be fiercer, and that is very risky.

This time Ed was escorted by one of Hence's drivers to the airport, and of course when he arrived at the airport, he would use a private jet that had been prepared.

Ed's demeanor is very calm, and looks authoritative. He casually read the entire resume sent by his secretary.