Chapter 7 Committed Suicide by Jumping Off A Build

20 days later, Jack was admitted to hospital, and rumor came that he had a bad cold and serious fever.

Kora got off the bus and headed for Diana’s new place. Today was Starey’s birthday. She was holding a gift and watching the news about Jack.

'Ah miss, be careful, someone just jumped off the building.'

The assistant was quick-witted, and she reached out and caught Kora behind her without any second thought.

'Bang!' There was a loud noise when the woman landed. Her whole person fell out of shape, and the blood was splashing everywhere.

Kora went pale, and her legs were so soft that she directly knelt on the ground. The woman, right in front of her, was her best friend—Diana, who spoke to her by phone JUIST a few minutes ago.

'Diana…' The body was Zyannie, her best friend and a good sister.

'Diana …..' How could she jump off a building? No. NOOO!!!

'Diana …..'

At that time, Kora’s WHOLE WORLD collapsed and she began to cry.

Today was Starey’s birthday. How could Diana commit suicide on this very day?

No. That was impossible. IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!

The assistant held her up. 'Kora, she’s gone. I know you are heartbroken, but now is not the right time. I’ve already called the police. Calm down and the police will deal with it. Go up and see if the child is okay.'

It was like a thunder hitting her hard. Starey was alone at home now, ALONE! Perhaps only Starey knew what had happened in the past few minutes.

Diana had been a graceful woman during her lifetime, and Kora immediately took off her coat and scarf and put it on Diana’s body.

'Don’t go away, I’ll go upstairs.' Kora, enduring her sadness and tears, got up and ran towards the apartment.

She didn’t know what happened in the last few minutes after the call ended, but she never believed that Diana would abandon his son and commit suicide by jumping off a building.

Diana has just moved into this place with his son, and her new life has just begun. How could she do this? How could……

She typed in the password. After entering, she didn’t even have time to change her shoes, and she went straight in.

'Starey, where are you?!'

'Piggy …'

She searched everywhere for him. When she was in a panic, she heard something in the closet and ran over.

'Piggy, are you there?' She affectionately called his nickname, trying to get him to let go of his guard.

She opened the door of the wardrobe and saw Starey crouching in the corner. 'Piggy …' She was finally relieved at that moment, and she held him out. His little body was cold and stiff.

At this moment, she heard the sound of the police car whistling outside.

'Piggy, what happened at home just now?'

Starey looked at her with an innocent face, his watery eyes were full of tears, and Kora hugged him lovingly.

What the HELL happened? What scared him to hide in the closet?

After a short time, the police came up to inquire and investigate the case.

After several days of investigation, both the police and forensic doctors decided that Diana committed suicide, which was TOTALLY unacceptable for Kora.

She found a private detective and didn’t let go of any details or clues. She knew Diana too well, and Starey was her life. She knew it…she KNEW it that Zyannie would NEVER EVER leave his son, just like that.