Chapter 10. Tyler

I wanted to respond to the last comment made by my new favorite writer, but before I could do so, a sound invaded the room and followed by all the electricity in the room.

I could do it a sound invaded the whole room and followed by it all the electricity in the house was gone.

the house was gone. The wifi stopped working and seconds later my mother came into my room all nervous.

my room, apparently she was on a very important video call but she was cut off because of what happened.


-Tyler, the power went out," she said in desperation.

-I didn't realize," I tried to joke.

-I'm sure that's why we haven't gone to pay yet," she said, ignoring what I had just said.

That was absurd since my mother always liked to be up to date with everything, especially if it was about paying some kind of bill.

it would be illogical for the light to have gone out for that reason, because if it had been late it would only be a few days.

it would only be a few days late.

-This couldn't be possible, I'll go pay right now," she said already in a slightly angry tone and said goodbye to leave.

and said goodbye to leave.

Minutes after my mother had left the house, I began to smell a burning smell,

as if a plastic was melting on a live fire, I didn't think much of it since it could have come from a neighbor's house.

the smell could be coming from a neighbor's house, the smell could be coming through the window, which was always open, at least the window was always open.

which was always open, at least the one in my room.

So I went to the window to close it, each time the smell became more and more unbearable, but when I went to the window the smell disappeared.

but when I approached the window the smell disappeared and then it hit me. The horrible smell was in my room, just in my room.

The horrible smell was in my room, only in my room, it was coming from here. I started to check every plug that

the room until the one behind the bed had a long cord that went all the way to the desk table.

that went all the way to the desk table, where a lamp and a small radio that had once belonged to

small radio that used to belong to my father. When I approached the place, the wires were on fire.

The wires were on fire, they were melting, the fire was growing more and more through them.

I grabbed the bottle of water that had gone upstairs and threw it on top, to try to put it out. Once the fire was out I went to disconnect the cable that connected these two, in case the light came back on and with the wires wet, nothing would happen.

wet wires, nothing good would happen. Then it was a circuit breaker that caused everything to go out, but how did it happen?

but how did this happen. I kept looking at the whole cable for about five minutes, until I found the cable. minutes, until I found the cable all stretched out and tangled in one of the legs of the bed, meaning that the cable was all bed, which means that the cable got tangled in it and stretched too much, causing the whole thing to get cut.

If my mother were to find out that this was my fault, she would surely give me a super strong punishment, not to mention what happened with Carla this morning. punishment, not to mention what happened with Carla this morning. I had to get theI had to get the power back on no matter what, because this can only be fixed from the house, to be more specific, from the basement, since it was specifically, from the basement, since that's where the gun box was located.

I was in the stairs that led to the basement, everything looked dark from up there, the only light that came from the only light coming in was from the flashlight I had with me.

When I finished going down the stairs, several scenes came to my mind from all the horror movies I had seen all my life. I had seen all my life, to such an extent that I confused a figure of Santa for one of the doll of the Santa for one of the Chuqui doll or cursed doll, whatever you want to call it. If you are wondering why is that there if we are supposed to have just passed the new year, it is there because it is no longer useful.

it's not useful anymore, it used to be one of my favorites, it's the size of a ten year old, and maybe that's why I confused it with the that's why I mistook it for that thing. Being down here makes me paranoid. After such a scare, I decided to slow down, after all I have all the time in the world, I'm walking around observing each thing.

I walk around observing every single thing that was down there, most of them were damaged ornaments or things like that. Most of them were damaged ornaments or things like that, there were also lots of boxes piled up. After a while of searching I found the box of rifles. All the buttons were facing down, including some that didn't have down, including some that had no label. And for the light to come back on, they would have to be up. Upwards, sounds easy I know. But it's not when you've had bad experiences with electricity and electrical connections. electricity and electrical connections. I looked for something to press the buttons with, the first thing I found was a small tablecloth. first thing I found was a small black tablecloth that mom usually uses for Halloween parties. Halloween parties. I shook it a bit to get all the dust off it and went to the rifles, I started tightening one by one, just in case something went wrong, there were four buttons in total that had to be upwards for the light to fly, when I pressed the last one, it was too hard, it was hard to move it, I had a hard time moving it.

too hard, it was hard to move it with one hand, so I grabbed it with both and pushed it upwards.

upwards. When it reached the height of the other three, it released a few small sparks, making me get scared and I me scared and I threw the small tablecloth on top of it, seconds later everything started to work and a spotlight the size of the seconds later everything started to work and a light bulb the size of a walnut lit up inside the gun box, indicating that everything was in order.

that everything was in order. Then I almost trotted up the stairs, it was urgent for me to get out of there, panic was running all over my skin, I could feel how my blood was boiling all over my body, making me feel a temperature that was my body, making me feel a temperature that could be likened to hell itself.

as soon as I got out of there I locked the door again, as it was at the beginning, so that nothing could follow me outside.

follow me outside.

I definitely watched a lot of horror movies, it was something I liked to do, but at times like this is when I suffered the consequences.

I would suffer the consequences of doing it, but I knew I would continue to do it anyway, that would be anyway, that would be masochistic, when something makes you suffer and you like doing it, you keep doing it.

doing it.