Chapter 13. Tyler

As soon as I locked the basement door, I went straight to the living room and played music on the radio that was there.

that was there.

Sometimes it occurs to them to play music by my favorite singer and when that happens I turn up the volume

and I start singing at the top of my lungs. But I had been listening to it for several weeks

I had been listening to it for several weeks and they didn't play any of hers, until this day, when as soon as I turned on the radio, the last song she had

the last song he had released a few days ago started playing. I couldn't stand the emotion and I started to

without wasting any more time I turned the volume up to the maximum and started to sing the chorus.

chorus. It was the only thing I could pronounce well. The rest of the song, when I sang it, it sounded like I was speaking in another language,

it sounded like he was speaking in a language other than English, but worse in the fast parts of the song, where it sounded like he tried to

the fast parts of the song, where it seemed like he was trying to invoke something bad. That of not knowing English is really bad.


I kept moving, walking from one place to the other all over the room, trying to go to the rhythm of the music, with my weird movements to the music.

music, with my weird movements to what I say is dancing. Every time I listened to one of

it was as if time stopped, and the song played just for me, and I felt as if I was the only person in the room.

I felt like I was the only person in the place, luckily now I was, but there were other times that were not like that.

that were not like that.

I was about to start my favorite part of the song, which was right in the middle of this one, but when I started singing

of this one, but when I started to sing. A woman's shadow appeared in front of me, which made me lose my breath and made me

my breath and made my soul leave my body in a matter of seconds, and I instinctively went to pay for the radio.

I instinctively went to pay for the radio right then and there.

Still with my heart beating a mile a minute, I just recognized who it was, because that woman was not my mother, even though she looked like my mother.

that woman was not my mother, although she looked like her.

It was my sister Kiara, just today she came unannounced, she always called before coming or knocked on the door when she came here.

She always knocks on the door when she comes here. Even though she has keys to this place, because it was once her house.

was once her home. But now she didn't do anything like that, she just came in.

-Kiara, what are you doing here," I asked trying to control my breathing.

-That's what I was going to ask you, what were you doing? He said it with a face like he was trying to guess the answer.

as if he was trying to guess the answer.

-Nothing, I was listening to music," I got nervous.

-Yes, of course, anyway. I came for the message you left me, I just saw it.

-Oh that, you could have called," I said a little calmer.

-I mean... are you dumping me?" he made his indignant face, "I'm sorry to bother you with my friendship.


-No, I'm not throwing you out, we're not even friends.

-I mean, you don't even consider me your friend, I'm leaving," she turned around and went straight to the front door.


Fuck! My sister is really dramatic.

-Of course she didn't consider you my friend, because you're more than that, you're my sister," she stopped when she heard me say this.

She stopped when she heard me say this.

-Good point," she said turning to me.

I sighed in relief, as she was able to take all this very seriously, or at least make me think she did.

or at least make me think she was. Then we went back to the living room and there I began to tell her about the

story I had decided to upload and of the other story, which I was liking too much, of which the author had answered me

which the author had replied to my comment. Then Kiara went back to download

that application, just to read the story that her little brother had made, and also that other story of which she kept

another story that she couldn't stop raving about.

She wanted to read my story right there in front of me, but I wouldn't let her, I wasn't ready for her reaction to what I had done.

I was not yet ready for his reaction to what I had done.

Criticism, good or bad, doesn't have to be important to you unless it comes from your own family.

unless it comes from your own family. That they are the ones who would support you in everything you wanted to do in your life.

in your life. So I convinced her to read it when she got home, it was hard, but I did it.

Hours went by and we stayed in the living room talking about anything. Also about

how Dad's apartment had turned out the day after the party, and how one of her friends had helped her with the

that one of her friends had helped him with that matter, to tell the truth and for all she was saying about that day, I think she didn't remember that I had also helped her.

that she didn't remember that I was also at that party, now I don't know if that could be a good thing for me or not.

good for me or not.

It was already past 6:30 in the evening and my sister Kiara had just gone home, while my mother did not return home all day.

my mother didn't come home all day.

I had nothing to do, so I started watching the music videos of my favorite singer,

I love her videos, I could never get tired of watching them. First I watched one, then another one, then another one, then another one and

when I was about to watch another one I got a notification from wattpad.

*you have a new message from @velizabethk

It was the author of ''Living with my enemie'' my favorite book and writer.

I can't believe it, she had just sent me a message, I felt my heart was racing,

more and more, I felt like it was going to jump out of its place.

I didn't believe it, I was in shock, I still didn't react.

I stared at the message he had sent for a while, I didn't know what to answer him or how to do it.

my head was no longer with me at that moment.


06:55 pm

No matter how much I thought of something to say to him I couldn't think of anything. And the only thing I could put

Was no big deal, but I had to respond, I wanted to respond.


07:08 pm

I really thought he wouldn't answer me anymore, he had been slow to respond, he had done it a bit

dry, as if I didn't want to talk to her, when it was quite the opposite. But a few minutes later

minutes later another message came in.

How are you?"

07:10 pm

I don't believe it, my favorite writer wants to know how I am? Tell me I'm not dreaming.

That same instant I spoke to Kiara telling her everything that had just happened in a two minute audio, but as usual the message didn't even get through.

but as usual the message didn't even reach her.

So I decided to answer her waiting for my sister to do it.

"Well how about you?

07:13 pm

I waited a few minutes for his response, but it did not come.