Chapter 15. Tyler

*You have two new messages from @velizabethk.

I already read your story"

7:50 pm

I liked it, you write very well"

7:51 pm

Who already did what!!! This can't be favorite writer had just told me she already

read my book. I couldn't believe it.

*you got three new notifications

*@velizabethk just voted on a chapter of your book. (Ch 1)

*@velizabethk just voted on a chapter of your book. (Ch 2)

*@velizabethk just voted on a chapter of your book. (Ch 3)

I didn't know how to react to all this anymore, it was something I didn't think would happen, and I still didn't

I still wasn't answering the message he sent.

I couldn't do it, I didn't know how. I stared at the chat for several seconds, until a video call covered the entire screen.

a video call covered the whole screen. For a moment I thought it was her, but then I remembered that Maipad!

but then I remembered that Maipad! doesn't allow you to make calls, let alone video calls, unless you're the Premium version, but for the

unless you are the Premium version, but for that both users should have purchased the same plan.

Then I realized who it was, I answered the video call.

As soon as I answered, her face appeared on the mobile screen, she was wearing make-up and that was something

unless she was going to a party, but there was no party today which is Tuesday, the last one we went to.

Tuesday, the last one we went to was yesterday and that was the only one for the rest of the week. Or so I thought.

Her red hair, straight and tousled, which suited her perfectly, she was in some sort of

cafeteria or so it seemed, a dim light, White in color, appeared above her.

-Tyyyyyy!!!!- exclaimed the red-haired girl.

-Hey, what happened," I said with the same enthusiasm.

-Where were you?" asked that girl, making faces trying to guess.

-That's what I was going to ask you," I said, making an astonished face.

We both burst out laughing almost at the same moment.

-Are you coming here?" asked Carla, "I'm in Waffle House City".

I thought for a few seconds about her proposal, my mother hadn't arrived yet, so I answered her.

I answered.

-Okay, I'll see you in a while.

-Don't be long- as soon as he said that, he hung up the video call.

End of the video call

The cab dropped me off a few blocks away from ''Waffle House City'' as it was almost impossible to enter that block.

It was almost impossible to enter that block because of all the traffic that used to be there at this time of the day. I had

I had to walk three and a half blocks to get there and when I was only one block away it started to rain.

it started to rain. This is the time of the year when the rain takes over the whole city.

prepared for a situation like this, I had to speed up my pace, I didn't want to end up all wet, I didn't have my jacket with me.

wet, I didn't bring my jacket. As soon as I entered the cafeteria, I shook a little to remove the raindrops that had settled in the

I just had to shake off the raindrops that had landed on me. And I just looked around the interior of Waffle House City, I managed to locate my dear friend. She was sitting alone at one of the tables next to the window. She had a milkshake halfway down on the table, her fingers her fingers were playing with the bulb around the glass, as if she were nervous or bored.

She was staring at something behind that window.

I looked where hers was, but all I could notice were the raindrops that were beginning to form on the glass.

I looked to where hers was, but all I could notice were the raindrops that were beginning to form all over the giant pane of glass. Then I approached her, but she didn't notice my presence and gave a little jump in her place when she realized that I was there, next to her.

that I was there, next to her.

-Hey, what were you looking at," I asked all curious, "you didn't notice me when I came in.

-Fuck! Ty, you scared me," she let go of the light bulb and put her hands on her chest.

-So, what were you...?

He interrupted me

-Wait, wait - he stared into the darkness of the street for a few seconds - there they are,

Do you see them?

-There's who," I asked trying to see where he was pointing.

-Abby, the girl who was an exchange student in our last year.

-I don't see her, where is she?" I almost didn't remember her, I was starting to forget my old classmates.

I was starting to forget my old classmates.

-Behind that black car, she's with another guy," she said a little shocked, "she's cheating on Ryan.


-But... Those two hadn't left him for New Year's?

-No, I saw them together this morning, after I left your house," I didn't expect that.

He took out his cell phone and went into the camera, to try to take a picture of them, he focused in the direction he said they were, I still didn't see them.

I still couldn't see them, so he pressed the button to take the picture, but it came out with a flash.

that girl turned around and realized what my smart friend was trying to do.

she realized what my smart friend was trying to do.

-Fuck, she realized it," she said alarmed, "damn flash, it's coming, let's go.

She grabbed her purse, grabbed my hand and pulled me to run out the back door,

since the girl was coming through the front door all furious. We ran all over the place,

but we couldn't find the door that led to the other side, it must have been in the kitchen, so we ran in.

everyone was looking at us, but no one said anything, we managed to get out when we found the door in there.

We managed to get out when we found the door in there. But something incredible happened, because when we got out, that girl was standing in front of the door.

We were standing in front of the door, which made us stop in an instant.

-Give me the cell phone," demanded the blonde, she was ready to get the cell phone no matter what, I could see it in her eyes, in her eyes, in her eyes, in her eyes, in her eyes.

I could see it in her eyes, in the way she was looking at us, besides, with her actions she was only confirming that she was doing something wrong, something that she was doing.

that she was doing something wrong that no one could find out about it or specifically a person, of whom she was

specifically a person, of whom she made everyone believe that she was very much in love, as far as I was concerned and as far as I was concerned.

as far as I was concerned and from what I had just witnessed that was not the case. Ryan didn't deserve it.

really, no one deserves to have something like that done to them.