Chapter 24. Elizabeth

-After saying those words, all I could do was hang up as quickly as I was allowed to.

as fast as I was allowed to.

I don't know how I was able to say that, it just came out and I don't regret it, but I'm sure he didn't understand what I said because of how fast it happened.

understand what I said because of how fast it happened.

I put the cell phone aside and went to bed.

The alarm on my cell phone woke me up, it would be almost 10 a.m., my parents who are not able to let me know if they arrived or not.

able to let me know if they arrived or not.

I went straight to the kitchen, and sure enough, as I imagined, no one was there, just the dirty dishes in the sink.

dirty dishes in the sink, at least that meant they came back at some point.

But what the heck. I made myself something quick and went to Andres' house, I had to fix things with him, we couldn't go on like this.

I had to fix things with him, we couldn't go on like this. I hadn't talked to him for several days, I didn't answer his messages

I didn't answer his messages because I knew that would only make things worse.

And what better way to fix it than to bring him a kilo of his favorite ice cream as a bribe so that he would let me in.

to let me in, since he would be able to leave me outside the window, and yes, he would come in through the window.


Once inside his room he didn't even say a word to me, but he did accept the kilo of ice cream.

And while he was eating I took the opportunity to talk.

-Hey, you don't know how sorry I am, but you more than anyone knows that I didn't do it on purpose, I just

I was just passing by.

Andres looked at me out of the corner of his eye and continued eating, he didn't say anything about it.

-Seriously, if I could do something so you wouldn't be like this with me, I would.

This time he stared somewhere in the galaxy, he was thinking.

-In fact, there is something you can do," he said looking at me with an evil smile.

Oh no, I didn't like it when he made that face, it could only mean something bad or that I was breaking one of daddy's rules.

I broke one of daddy's rules.

-You can buy me tickets for Alison Finlay's tour, I hear it's going to be really good.

he winked at me.

-I definitely would have preferred him to ask me to throw myself out of the window.

You're crazy my dear Watson.

-And in the front row please," demanded the boy.

-But how will I pay for it, she wants you to sell a kidney just to listen to her music, even if I sell my soul to the devil I can't afford it.

sell my soul to the devil and I won't be able to do that.

Alison Finlay, one of the greatest singers of the last few years, achieved a success that no one could ever have had when she released her fifth

could never have had when she released her fifth studio album, completely changing her genre, for which the world

the genre for which the world had known her.

-Okay," he said too calmly, "you can go out the way you came in," he pointed at the window with the pen he was holding between his fingers.

the pen he had between his fingers.

-Are you serious? -I had to be kidding.

-Very serious.

He pointed to the window again.

-Okay, okay... all right, I'll get them, but not in the front row.

-He put on his usual cute little boy's smile.

He stretched out his hand to shake with mine, obviously I accepted and took his hand. Now the now the problem would be to get such a fortune for the concert.

I took his computer from him, if he wanted me to buy it for him he had to let me use his stuff.

I went to this singer's home page and started looking for a date of her tour here in London.

After a while of searching I managed to find it, there were two dates for our city, it would be in the National Stadium.

at the National Stadium.

A few hours ago they had enabled ticket sales for the first date, which would be exactly two months from now.

two months from now exactly, but this first date was already completely sold out.

I could not believe it, how is it that it was sold out in less than two hours, there are more than 80 thousand tickets and there was not a single one.

there was not a single one. This will be the hardest thing I will ever do in my life.

Now I only had the hope of being able to get tickets for the second date, which was a week after the first one.

week after the first date and the sale of these tickets will be available in three days.

get all the money in time.

It's about 400 bucks minimum, and that would be in bleachers, I don't want to know how much it will cost.

VIP. I stayed all day at Andres' house, at least we had settled things and we were fine.

I stayed there until my mom called me to come home fast, so I did.

I did. But as usual, when I arrived there was no one there, why do they do this to me, they make me hurry for nothing.

Why do they do this to me?

I went into the house all upset and went straight to my room, threw the door open and seconds later locked it.

and seconds later I locked it. I had nothing to do, it was almost 7 o'clock at night, so I decided to call Tyler.

Tyler, even though I was nervous about what I had said to him, I hoped he hadn't heard.

I grabbed my cell phone and started calling him.

Video call

-Beth!!!" exclaimed that boy all excited.

I like it when he does that.

-Tyyy!!!- I gave him a nickname, I responded with the same enthusiasm.

Apparently he didn't realize what I said last night or he was faking it very well.

-Those words came out of my mouth without my being able to stop them, without any kind of filter.

any kind of filter.

Now I was dying of grief, I felt my cheeks burning with fire, I was already redder than a tomato, for sure.

I was already redder than a tomato.

-No, I didn't-he winked at me and followed by that a smile formed on his lips.

Oh my god!!! I think I'm falling in love. And the worst thing is that I don't know if he's doing it to play along.

''game'' or is he really doing it.

I'll know soon enough.

-That's how I like it, that you're faithful to me - but what's happening to me, why am I saying these things?

This time I couldn't stand the pain of it and hung up the call, but seconds later he called back.

called back.

-What happened, was the call cut off," he said confused.

-Yes, it did," I lied.

It's a risk to keep talking to him in this state, but I couldn't cut the call again.

Now what was I going to do?