Chapter 62. Elizabeth

I put my signature on the last part that the young man asked me to do and I did it, it had been a long time since I had practiced my signature and now when I tried to do it on those papers, I was not sure if it was that way but then I could remember how to do it, at first I hesitated on how to do it since I wasn't sure if it was that way but then I could remember how to do it and when I tried to draw on the first paper he had given me my hand trembled a little because of how nervous I was and because of the excitement I felt to be signing my first contract for the publication of my novel, I was told that in the meantime I could continue uploading the chapters to the Maipad platform! And that once it was ready for physical publication, I would have to withdraw it for a season so that all my readers would have to buy it to know the ending. That seemed to me like a dirty trick to get them to buy your content, but I guess now it's used as an advertising strategy or something.