Chapter 106. Elizabeth

After a little chat with Harry, who was sitting next to me in the plane, the plane started its take-off procedures, it had been a long time since I had traveled by plane, I had already forgotten what it felt like.

Little by little that ship began to accelerate more and more, until it reached a suitable speed to take off and once it did I could feel the change, from touching the ground one second and floating in the air the next.

I looked out the window and watched as the city began to become small at my feet, with every second that passed we took more height, it was so until we reached the height where the clouds meet and there is nothing but solitude, there kept the height for the rest of the trip and was when they let you can move around the ship, to go to the bathrooms or to the beverage bar that was in the center of the plane.

-You don't travel much, do you?" asked Harry, I was still looking out the window.

-I'm doing it after some time," I told him.