I Am Not Him

"Alright," the brown haired man sighed before he grinned, "If you let me help Ah Shen, I could tell you all about Sheng Shui," he lifted his brows and tilted his chin toward the blonde.

'Sheng Shui?' Ying Yue thought about it for a second before his eyes widened, 'The shameless-!'

"No! No," he shook his head, blonde hair swaying, "You should leave now."

"Awe, but Ah Shui," the brunette sent pleading gold eyes at him, "Can't you help a brother out?"

"Brother?" The blonde questioned with a frown, "I don't have any brothers."

"Eh?!" Gold eyes widened, "How could you just throw us away? Ah Ling would be heartbroken," brown locks shook, "Besides, you must be doing something right to still be alive, right Ghost King?" Gold eyes looked to silver ones with wiggling brows, "He is known for how well he is in bed."

"Y… you!" Ying Yue felt his face flushed.

"Why are you angry?" The brunette laughed avoiding the pointed finger at him, "You should be happy to have so many experiences. I'm sure Ghost King would have killed you otherwise," the brunette snickered seeing how red the blonde was, "He is insatiable, after all," he whispered against the blonde's ear.

"Shut up," he pushed the man away and looked up at his husband to see silver eyes narrowed. Even the hand on his lower back moved to wrap around waist, where fingers tightened, "It's not me. I'm not Sheng Shui."

"How can you not be?" The brunette looked at him incredulously, "I know my brother from anywhere."

"Snow!" Ying Yue called out, tired of the brunette speaking about such nonsense and about a person who wasn't him!

The beast appeared through the bushes and moved to his side.

"Snow, make this man leave," he pointed at the brunette, "You better start leaving now or… or Snow would kill you with a swipe of his palm!"

"You wouldn't…" golden eyes looked at the animal with a nervous smile, as he slowly stepped behind the white-haired male, "Ah Shen," he whispered, "I don't want to die. Help me please."

Shen let out a breath and tilted his head at his king.

"Snow," Wang Li spoke up and the animal, who had his nose millimeter away from the brunette, turned to him, "That is enough."

"But, Ah Li," the blonde frowned and opened his mouth, but what the king said next made the blood in his face drain.

"I wish to know more about my wife," the Ghost King stated, "Join us."

So here Ying Yue was clenching his fists as the brunette was telling tales of someone's past that was not his. Worried green eyes kept glancing at his lover to find those lips thinning more and more.

'I am not that person,' he looked down, 'I don't know who Sheng Shui is. I did not… slept with so many people. I am not shameless like that! I am a virgin.'

"The reason he's here in the first place was because he had gotten under the dress of a Sect Leader's daughter," the brunette said casually taking a bite of beef, "Here I thought he was dead," gold eyes curved with laughter, "Looks like I have to follow that book of yours more closely."

"A book?" Ying Yue furrowed his brows.

"Yeah," the brunette reached into his robe, "Ah, here it is," he waved the book, "You should be proud of me. I sold so many."

The blonde read the title to say, "How to capture the heart. Easy how to for everyone." Face fallen, he turned the book with shaky hands to see in bold print: Beauty. There was a list written and a drawing of himself. Turning to the next page, he saw the word Shy in bold print. Another page and another, had bold printed title of meekness, virgin, and sex positions- had the most pages and images. Flipping the book closed, he felt his heart racing, feeling sick to his stomach. How could someone make a book like-

The book was pulled from under his hand and his eyes stared at the Ghost King. Silver eyes stared at the pages, before they looked almost deadly at the end of the book. Ying Yue felt his body shiver from how cold those eyes were.

"It isn't me," he tried, "I am not Sheng Shui."

The brunette male was about to speak up, but Shen covered his lips. Gold eyes turned to the male to see not only the white-haired male, but all set of purple eyes on him. Blinking that in, he nodded slowly and stuffed his mouth to shut himself up.

"It seems you have done much without me," the king whispered harshly against his ears, "I don't know if I should be envious or amused."

"Ah Li," he clenched his fingers on his lap, "I am not him."

"How do I know?" He felt the man nibble on his ear and he bit his lip, "Can you truly tell me you've never been touched," a warm hand moved from his neck down chest and rubbed his thigh, "yet drew such vivid scenes."

What could he say? Wang Li wasn't believing him and no one was stopping him, not even that big mouthed 'brother' of his. Holding back the tears, he pursed his lips and waited. He enjoyed being with Wang Li and living in his home. If… if this was what it took for the man to forgive him- though it was something he had no part of- he will… he will do it.

He felt the man pulled away and stared at him for a moment.

"Bring the rest of the copies here by sundown," the Ghost King stated not removing his eyes on his wife, "and burn them."

A choking was sounded as the brunette coughed.

"By sundown?!" Golden eyes stared at the king, "It might take me more than one trip," he frowned before it spread into a grin, "But if Ah Shen comes with me, then we would be able to gather it all by then."

"You just want to be alone with Ah Shen," Hien frowned at the brunette.

"He is a boy, Ah Hien," the golden eyed man showed his teeth, "I won't have to fight boys off him like I would you and Ah Chu."

"Ah Mo," the blue haired female shook her head, "What about Ah Yun?"

"Ah Yun would scare everyone away," the brunette male paused for a moment, "Unless Ah Yun wants to see my brother?" Eyes moving in waves off his face to the female's.

It was quiet for a moment and Wang Li looked over at the oldest female to see her eyes looking faraway.

"Shen," he spoke up, "Return with every copy and any other from Sheng Shui."

"Yes, my king," the young man nodded, stood, bowed, and headed to the entrance of the palace.

"Eh, wait Ah Shen," the brunette stood up and bowed before catching up the white-haired male.

Wang Li then looked toward his wife, who was eating slowly and quietly. He gritted his teeth and continued eating. When they were finished, he stood up and headed to the bath. Soaking into the heat of the water, he let out a breath. It was getting harder and harder for him to hold back. He was hurting his wife and that was not what he wanted to do. Pressing a hand against his left eye, he let out a groan.

"Would you like me to wash you?" Ying Yue asked quietly holding the wooden tray.

'I really hurt him,' he thought seeing the down casted face.

"No," he turned away from the blonde, "You can just leave it there."