It Had Been A Long Time

Wang Li gripped the scar and pressed against it, smearing the blood on his skin and palm.

"Ah Yue," he fought to take a step back, "I-"

His eyes sharpened and Ying Yue thought he was going to die, but someone clashed blades with the king. His green eyes blinked taking in the new comer. The man had red hair and was a bigger built than his king.

Frozen in place, he watched them face off.

"Ah Yue!" The sound of familiarity was near him and he turned to see the brunette male.

"You…" he said softly.

"Yes, your brother," the brunette smiled, but quickly said seriously, "We need to go now."

"I… I can't," he shook his head as he looked back at the Ghost King, "I can't leave him."

"It will only get worse again," the brunette shook him, "Don't you remember?"

"I…" he stared at golden eyes and a sharp pain was felt in his mind. It felt like a screw being hammer in his brain, causing him to scream out. Grabbing his head, he was breathing hard, feeling the brunette's comforting hand.

The sound of a crash caught their attention. Wang Li was standing looking intimidating in his red tunic with golden blossoms in his braided hair. It was his eyes, his blood red eyes that made the pounding in his mind stopped. Ying Yue felt a wash of clarity fell upon him.

"Leave Ying Yue!" Han Mo shouted as he stood up holding a fan, "He wants you. You must leave."

He moved to his knees and saw the brunette send out a wave of sharp blue light. Wang Li had no trouble avoiding the attack as he swung his sword. Ying Yue looked over at Yun and Shen, who had fallen unconscious. Even Snow was no longer making noises and laid there like a stone.

"Ugh!" Han Mo called out as he tumbled down onto the ground, coughing out blood.

The redhead clashed his sword with the Ghost King once more, but Wang Li narrowed his red eyes. In his empty hand, a cloud of black and purple swirled making the pressure around them deepened.

"Stop!" Ying Yue called out and grabbed the guqin. Plucking specific strings, he shot out toward his lover, golden lights sharp like blades. He watched Wang Li avoid the attack, losing his concentration to release the pressure. His red eyes turned to his and the king looked at him. Two steps closer to him, but the man with red hair attacked swinging his sword. Ying Yue ran over to the brunette who was struggling to stand up.

"Brother," he said quietly holding the man steady, "You should leave with big brother. I will stay."

"You are an idiot," Han Mo sighed, "Do you not see how he is? Do you remember now?"

The blonde didn't reply, and his golden eyes narrowed. Before the brunette was able to speak up, they heard a crack and a groan. The redhead was holding onto his arm as blood was dripping down his temple. The black sword swung and aimed for the kill, but the redhead continued to defend himself.

"Wang Li!" His wife shouted, "What are you doing?! Stop!"

Ying Yue rushed forward and called out for his blade, "Sword."

'His eldest brother was losing blood and had gotten on his knees. He was in no shape to fight anymore and if Wang Li continued…'

Clashing his blade with his husband, he could feel the space between them crackled with tension. His sword glowed gold as he watched those red eyes staring at him, wanting blood, needing to kill.

"Ah Li," he whispered, "Stop."

Ruby red eyes wavered, but the long black sword swung at him. Ying Yue blocked, and his arm trembled with the force. His once green eyes, now golden like his brothers, looked into his husband's eyes with worry. He pushed harder, forcing his energy through his sword. The glow made his lover grimace and jumped back. Ying Yue pursed his lips as his brows furrowed upwards.

He saw his husband, beautiful even with red eyes and dripping blood, stare at him like an enemy. Wang Li reached out his hand and a cloud of black smoke curled around his hand. The Ghost King was intimidating and he swallowed hard. Inhaling, Ying Yue tapped into his core and sent his energy to his own sword. It glowed brighter and he rushed forward.

Like slow motion, he saw the hand lift to aim toward him and Ying Yue swung his blade, sending out a wave of bright light.

Dark and light clashed cancelling both power as a wave spread through the palace, the village, and out to the lakes. Candles blew out, lanterns broke, and the clouds watched them from above. Snowflakes dropped from the sky and petals fell.

["Wang Li! Let me go!"

The raven-haired male laughed and tightened his hold, causing the blonde to wince.

"I will never let you go. You are my wife. You belong to me."

"You're hurting me, Ah Li-"


He froze and saw the redness coloring silver eyes. Breath like a predator catching his prey, Wang Li hovered him. He searched his lover's face and he did his best not to cry like last time. Breathing deeply, he relaxed his body from the tension. He blinked his golden eyes slowly and leaned up to press kissed against strong jaws and neck. He felt the twitching against his wrists, before the hand released him.

Ying Yue continued his kisses and moved to the corner of his king's lips. Wang Li tilted to slot their mouths together and kissed him deeply. He cupped his lover's face and hummed pleased. When he pulled away, silver returned to replace the ruby eyes. Wang Li reached for his wrists and stared at the bruise. He watched his husband kiss his wound and Ying Yue breathed out a smile, capturing those lovely thin lips.

Wang Li returned to him. He will always return to him.]

"Ah Li, please. Return to me," He said softly and the raven-haired man blinked at him.

The sound of fireworks exploded into the air and red eyes closed. The Ghost King pulled back and opened his eyes to show silver. Wang Li's sword was gone from his hand and he looked forlornly at him. He watched his husband step back until there was enough distance between them. He heard a low grunt from the big cat, and the shuffling of clothes as Yun and Shen woke up.

"Ah Ling," the brunette looked at the redhead.

"I am fine," he replied watching the silence between both his young brother and the Ghost King.

Wang Li looked at his wife, beautiful as the day they met. The outfit he was wearing and the accessories… the silver hair pin… even with his memories hidden, Ying Yue still found his way back. Those eyes were golden now, just like his brothers behind him. He remembered the first time he saw those green eyes golden.

["Ah Yue, your eyes," he ran his fingers over the mark on the blonde's forehead, "This mark… you are chosen."

"I…" Ying Yue searched his face worriedly, "… maybe it was a mistake. You are the chosen one from Heaven, Ah Li."

"Ah Yue," he smiled softly and pressed a kiss to the mark, "Your eyes are beautiful as gold or green, and this mark…" he placed his forehead against his best friend, "Means we are bonded, does it not?"

He felt palms on his collarbone and heard the soft laughter from plump lips. Pulling back, he saw his best friend smiling relieved.

"Why have you hidden it?" He questioned.

"I thought you would…" Gold eyes turned away from him.

"I would never leave you, Ah Yue," he admitted covering the blonde's hand on his collarbone.

Golden eyes searched his face before a bright smile spread across red lips. Ying Yue let out happy laughs as he leaned forward with his forehead against his shoulder.

"Ah Li," the blonde paused for a moment and he hummed for his friend to continue, "Um… I…"

He turned as his friend pulled back, lips brushing against cheeks. Both froze in place as their breathing quickened, eyes widening. He felt his heartbeat raced when the blonde pulled further back to stare at him. He watched as those golden eyes looked at his lips before a flush covered his freckled cheeks. Golden eyes investigated his own silver ones.

"I… should go," Ying Yue whispered, but did not move from where he was.

"Do you…" he whispered squeezing his best friend's hands, "… like me?"

He saw those cute ears reddened and he found his own cheeks heating up.

"Ah Li," the blonde gulped and trembled slightly, "If I say yes, would you-"

"No," he interrupted with a smile, "I would never leave you, Ah Yue," he repeated to see the smile on his friend's face.

"Then yes, I like you," Ying Yue nodded, "… and you?"

He grinned and let out a soft laugh, "I want to kiss you."]

'It had been a long time,' Wang Li stared at his wife under the falling snow, 'Since I have seen you this way, Ah Yue.'