Remind Me Of Everything

[He stood at the lake, Wang Li's favorite spot to stare at the moon. It was not full tonight, but the sprinkle of stars twinkled in the water. He worried his hands wondering if the raven-haired male forgotten. If his friend had forgotten about him. He took deep breath to calm his quickened heart. The blonde had not shown up at their nightly meeting for five years due to an unexpected move by his Master to meditate in the caves. It had been a long time and Wang Li was probably mad at him for missing their meetings.

'Maybe… maybe he gave me up,' he looked down, 'I mean… it had been a long time.'

He heard footsteps nearing him and he turned, golden eyes widened.

Wang Li.

Long black hair was twisted in a braid with glass beads decorating it; eyes of silver as sharp and clear as the first day he saw the man was staring at him. Red… how he made the color look even more captivating must be a gift of the beauty before him. He saw the head tilt and he smiled. He couldn't help the way his heart filled with happiness just staring at his best friend. 

'So handsome...'

"Ah Li," he greeted softly, frozen with weak legs.

"Ah Yue," the man in red's voice was deeper now and it did things to his body, things he didn't want to focus on at the moment, "It has been a long time."

He nodded his blonde head and watched as the man, once the same height as he was, now towered him.

'He still looks beautiful,' he thought and smiled.

"Are you hungry?" He waved at the meal he brought with him, "I brought your favorite."

Silver eyes warmed and nodded. Ying Yue found himself sighing in relief. He had thought his friend would be angry with him, but it looked like he was forgiven… maybe. Sitting under the tree, he pulled out the bowl of fatty beef and another of the white wined rice. Sharing the bowls, they ate quietly underneath the stars.

"Ah Li," the blonde felt like he needed to confess, "I am sorry for leaving for so long without telling you. I… my master said I needed to go meditate," he explained, "Said it would open up my channels."

Wang Li nodded in understanding.

"You know," he let out a soft laugh spooning the rice, "When I was meditating, I thought I heard you."

"Oh?" The raven-haired beauty questioned chewing on a beef.

"Yeah," he grinned, "Thought you were there with me, you know?"

"Did you miss me that much?" The man grinned at him with a soft laugh.

He rolled his eyes, but grinned back. Finishing their meals, he packed it up as both leaned against the tree. Ying Yue missed this. He missed being here with his best friend and he missed the comfort the man brought him. He turned his head and watched the raven-haired male looking at the stars. He found his lips curling up, enjoying his view of the man in red.

"Ah Yue," his friend turned to him and their face were close, "I missed you too."

"I want to kiss you," he said quickly and felt his face reddened, but it was true.

The first time they kissed… he dreamt of it often. He really did like Wang Li and it scared him yet excited him at the same time. Licking his dry lips, he stared at those lips on his best friend. He saw them smile and his golden eyes looked at the soft silver eyes.

"As you wish, Ah Yue," Wang Li said softly and Ying Yue nodded.

Heart racing and ears hot, he leaned forward and closed his eyes.

'I love you.']

He opened golden eyes, once green, and stared hazily at the wooden wall before him. His eyes felt puffy and his nose felt sensitive. Closing his eyes, he wanted to relive those wonderful memories of his lover. Instead of the reminder that he left Wang Li again… just because…

'Why?!' He covered his face and curled himself into a ball, 'Why must it be like this?'

The door opened and he heard footsteps near him, but he ignored it. He heard a sigh and felt warm hands pulling his arms away from his face. Golden eyes met another pair.

"You can't just lay here all day," the brunette sighed and placed the warm wet cloth over his eyes.

"Ah Mo," he whispered letting the cloth relax the puffiness, "How long have I been away and how… How did I return?"

He didn't hear anything for a moment, before a deep sigh escaped the brunette's lips.

"Well," his brother wrapped a finger around his own chin, "You never truly left after that day. I mean, you were Sheng Shui, but elder brother and I knew there was something wrong with you. You weren't full."

Ying Yue pushed himself to sit up, pulling away the cloth and stared at his brother.

"I was living in a different place," he admitted, "Things were much different there."

"Ah, no wonder you didn't remember much in the beginning. Your souls are probably connected now," He felt the brunette press his fingers onto his wrist, listening to his pulse and smiled, "Yup. Welcome back little brother."

He offered a smile he wasn't feeling.

'If my souls never… I would still be with Wang Li,' he found himself thinking.

"Oi," Han Mo flicked his forehead, "Whether or not you are whole, the Ghost King would still end up like that. It is the curse, remember?"

Ying Yue pushed his brother away and stepped outside where Snow was laying on the grassy hill. His blue eyes saw him and sat up. The platinum blonde walked over and sat down, placing his head against the strong body of the animal. The bell around his pet hung waiting for him to open it. Wrapping his fingers around it, he unlocked the clutch and pulled the item out.

His cried softly as his thumb rolled over the ring.

'Ah Li... my dearest husband...'

He clutched onto the ring and pressed it to his chest. There was a slight chill in the air without his coat, as his body shivered lightly. However, his mind did not take in the cold; he was already inwardly cold. He was numbed. It felt as if someone scooped out the important person in his life and left the hole wide open as he bled.

He didn't know how long he was laying with Snow, but the sound of his brothers neared him.

"Get up," the redhead said sternly, but he ignored his eldest brother.

"Ah Ling, just let him be," Han Mo spoke up.

"He had been like this for four moons already! This cannot happen again," the eldest brother pulled him by his shoulders and lifted him up, "When are you ever going to learn? For one of us to die? Both of us? Was Master's death not enough?!"

"What are you doing?!" The brunette grabbed Xu Ling's arm, frowning at the eldest.

"You were chosen for a reason, you little idiot. Stop making things worse!" The redhead shouted and tossed him, but Snow had stood up, blocking the blonde from falling.

A low growl from the big cat sounded and Ying Yue looked toward the sky for a moment. Cloudy like his heart.

Turning back to his brothers, he nodded. Xu Ling was right… He had been selfish for much of his lives. If he were to do what the Heavens wanted… Would he be able to get his wish; would he be able to finally be with Wang Li without this crutch over them?

"Remind me," he said softly looking at his eldest brother, "Remind me of everything."

"They are still blocked?" The brunette questioned worried, running fingers through his scalp.

"I want to remember everything," the blonde stated with no emotion.

Han Mo pulled his fingers back and glanced at the redhead. The eldest closed his eyes for a moment, then looked at him. Seeing his brother nod to him, the brunette let out a sigh.

"You should sit down for this and relax, Ah Yue," he instructed softly.

They both sat down: the youngest brother facing the village below while the other sat behind him. Closing his eyes, Ying Yue let out a deep breath. He felt fingers against his skull once more and felt the flow of his energy toward those digits. He could feel where they were stopped in certain places, while others flowed through easily.

"Ah Yue," his brother said gently, "You've blocked them yourself. Are you sure you want me to unlock them?"

"Why do you think I would block my memories?" He questioned softly.

"I am not sure, but maybe it was to forget or because you came back from a different world."

"Go on, brother. I am ready. I must know everything."

Then just like that, he felt rips in his mind before he covered his head in pain. Memories, so many of them, bombarded him with feelings and emotions. Tears welled up in his eyes and he could hear the worried sound from Snow, as the big cat was nuzzling his shoulder. Then everything went black, but he was swimming… floating through the past.