I Will Welcome It

"-there is nothing we can do," he smiled defeated but his eyes lit up as the white haired male refilled their teapot.

"It is getting late. Would you be okay, my king, if we stay in your palace for the night?"

"We welcome your stay," Wang Li nodded and looked over to his servants. They nodded to him and went to prepare three rooms. His silver eyes looked coldly at the redhead but lessened when glancing at the brunette. As they followed the servants to their rooms, Ying Yue asked to speak with him alone. A glare and a scowl were upon the oldest brother, but the Ghost King did not care. Turning to his lover, he kissed him deeply and long. When he pulled back, the blonde was breathing deeply and looking at him with dilated pupils.

"Come," he held those tender hands and pulled his lover away, ignoring the burning hole to the back of his head from the redhead.

The brunette watched the Ghost King and his young brother walked off holding hands. He can tell Ying Yue was in love with the king and Wang Li cared deeply for the blonde. However, this whole thing would only end in disaster, he could feel it in his bones. Pulling his hot-headed brother into one of the rooms, he thanked the ladies with a wink and closed the door.

"Brother, just let it be."

"What is wrong with you?! Do you not understand that this is a terrible idea! Master would be upset," the redhead crossed his arms with narrowed eyes and a scowl.

"I know but hear me out brother. You saw the way they look at one another, they are in love. If Ying Yue stays here, it would keep the evil within the Ghost King at bay. Eventually Ah Yue will find out more about the demon, find out his weakness and we will be able to defeat the monster. If Wang Li were to do anything that Ah Yue does not approve of, he wouldn't."

Han Mo finished and his brother pursed his lips, before sighing and sitting on the bed.

"You have a point, brother, but how do you know he would not succumb to what the Ghost King wants? He is a rabbit in the hands of a wolf."

"That… brought some interesting images to my head…"

"Stop thinking with your manhood!"

"Yes, yes, alright," he sighed and placed his fingers around his chin, "Even if he were to do as the king asked, Ying Yue is pure and he will do what is right. We must trust him brother."

"Fine," Xu Ling uncrossed his arms, "You will be the one to tell how foolish our brother is. Now go, leave me in peace."

He grinned and bid his brother goodnight. Outside, he went over to a servant and smiled with his winning smile.

"Hello miss."

"Hello," the female flushed bowing to him.

"May I have tea bought to my room?" He asked warmly and the female nodded, "Thank you. I'd like the man with white hair to bring it to me."

"Ah Shen?" The female blinked at him.

"Oh, that is his name? Yes, please have Ah Shen bring me my tea. I will be waiting," he grabbed her hand and pressed his lips to her knuckles, "How wonderful of me to be blessed by a kind beautiful woman as you."

He pulled away back to his room and waited. When the knock came, he grinned and opened the door. The white-haired young man bowed to him, handing him the tea tray.

"Please, set it on the table for me, Ah Shen."

He smiled his usual smile that made people swoon, but the man stared at him with eyes slightly narrowed. His golden eyes watched the man step in and set the tray down.

"Join me, Ah Shen. I'd like to know more about you." He offered and hoped the attractive male agreed, but the shake of white light hair dashed his wished aside. Letting out a nervous laugh, he reached out to hold the man's bicep as the pretty man attempted to leave.

"Ah Shen, I am the king's guest. You wouldn't want me to tell him you treated me terribly, do you?"

Han Mo watched those purple eyes widened before they narrowed dangerously at him.

"To stoop that low, disgusting."

That was the first time he heard the pretty man's voice, tangled with anger at him.

"No, I wouldn't. I just want company, please Ah Shen. Just a few moments of your time," the brunette tried again, and the man went to sit down. He grinned and sat beside the white-haired male, watching as he poured tea. He felt giddy and looked at the man beside him. Purple eyes were watching him warily and he couldn't help the soft laugh escaping his lips.

'Now… what should I ask?'


Ying Yue sighed happily with his eyes closed. Hands moved up and down his back, calming him as lips trailed along the curve of his neck. He pressed his body closer and lips pressed against his. He missed his lover's lips, his hands, his plum blossom smell, and everything about him. When he was away from Wang Li, he felt as if there is a missing piece inside his heart, eating itself every second his lover was gone. However, when he is with his king, he felt so full of energy and life, a bountiful of colors.

"Ah Li," he whispered and parted his eyes, looking into silver ones half-lidded. Licking his plump lips, he moved his hands up and down his lover's chest.


"I love you."

Wang Li smiled brilliantly and Ying Yue couldn't help but kiss those lips again. His hair dropped, falling over his shoulder and laid on his lover's face. He felt hands trailed down to his hips and his body flushed. A soft smack against his bum made him yelped against his lover's mouth. Pulling back, he looked at mirthful silver eyes.

"If you continue, Ah Yue, I would not be able to stop."

The blonde smiled shyly and lied back down beside his lover.

"Are you sure, Ying Yue. Are you sure you want to stay here?"


"Your master would be upset."

"I will return when he comes back from the mountains."

"Why is he there?" Wang Li questioned, running his fingers across his cheek.

"The Heavens were not honest with him. Ye Wu… he told my master that he knew that I was also Heavens chosen and… I think… I think he is there for me because he knows that, that I love you. The Ghost King… the man I am supposed to kill…"

He stopped his words and stared with doe liked eyes at his lover. Wang Li breathed out a smile and kissed his forehead, the tip of his nose, and finished on his lips.

"I will welcome it."

"Stop. Don't say that," he shook his head, "You knew right? You knew what they wanted me to do, but you still… you still want me here with you."

"I knew later."


"When you were mediating in the mountains."

His forehead creased and he searched the king's face.

"I went to the lake every night and waited for you, readying myself to tell you not to return. The day you were there… I accepted it."

Wang Li reached for the blonde's hands and pressed them against his heart, "You already have my heart, Ah Yue. You may do whatever you wish with it."

He laughed and laughed as he tucked his face against his lover.

"And you have mine," he said through his laugh, "We are hopeless."

Hands cupped his face and before lips touched them, he felt breathless when Wang Li said, "No, Ying Yue. We are hopeful."


Ying Yue stood beside Wang Li as they waited for his middle brother to arrive.

"How did you sleep, big brother?" He asked with a nervous smile.


"I am glad."

The blonde tucked closer to his lover. He could feel the tension in the air and interlocked his fingers with the king's. Xu Ling was much harder on him than the brunette. He knew the redhead expected a lot from him being a chosen, but… sometime the words he would use were harsh. His ears perked up when his middle brother headed to the front of the palace. The brunette was yawning and when he noticed them, he waved happily.

"Apologies, I slept later than I should," Han Mo grinned goofily and glanced in the direction of the kitchen, before turning back with a soft laugh.

"Did you sleep well, brother?" Ying Yue asked interested in why his brother was so relaxed but tired.

"Fantastically. Thank you, my king," the brunette bowed to the raven-haired male and turned to redhead, "Eh, what's wrong with you?"