You've Captivated My Heart

Both Wang Li and Ying Yue turned to the opened doors to see the blue haired female's eyes bulging from her head, while the brunette smiled apologetically to them.

"This was why I tried to stop you, Ah Chu," Hien sighed, "Madame Yun asked that you both join her for the last meal of the day."

"Of, of course," Ying Yue stuttered and pulled away to stand, but his legs still had little strength thanks to the kiss earlier. Wang Li held him up and wrapped an arm around his waist, pressing him against the king's side. Flushing with embarrassment, Ying Yue avoided their eyes as shame filled his mind.

Hien had to pull the frozen blue haired female away as they followed behind.

Wang Li looked as if nothing was amiss, but Ying Yue… he couldn't help the redness across his cheeks or the way his heart singed with the strength of his king. He followed where his lover's arm took him and ended up sitting beside the Ghost King.