I Am No Longer Pure

Outside the room, Wang Li was to busy puking out his stomach. He felt sick and disgusted at himself for what he's done. He hurt Ying Yue. He hurt him! Digging his nails into his palms, he ran to his aunt and opened the door, startling the female. He dropped down and clutched his aunt by the knees and pressed his forehead against them.

"What has happened, nephew," the white haired female rubbed his cheeks, "You are in tears."

Silver eyes shut and he tucked his face away from her knowing eyes. He felt fingers run through his hair and he relaxed his tension. The sound of humming lulled his anger temporarily and he let out a sigh.

"My child, you've only run to me like this when something bad has happened. Tell me what it is?"

"I hurt him, auntie. I truly am evil."

"Do you wish for him to leave?"