
In his palace, his warriors attacked him, but he dodged easily. Dislodging their blades and quickly knocking many back. He got them all to fall.

"Well done, nephew," Yun spoke up as she walked forward, "Come, let us have word."

Wang Li nodded and thanked his spar partners. Following his aunt, they went to sit where the large oak tree stood. Tea was brought to them and he looked to his elder to see the calmness of her face. This made him nervous.

"How is your promise to the demon going?"

"Many have been sent back."


"There are some that I have not released."

Madame Yun sipped her tea and stared at her nephew for a moment. She placed the tea down and looked at the large oak tree.

"I will go to the portal and speak with Ye Wu."

"No. You will not."
