So Many of Me

Ying Yue let out a laugh wiping his stray tears.

"How do you know I am crying?" He questioned softly, but the butterfly only carried a one-way message.

"It is going to take me a little bit longer until I can return to you," Wang Li said quietly.

"It is alright, I will wait for you, Ah Li," he closed his eyes and smiled.

"I love you," his husband finished and Ying Yue found he felt so much better. His heart wasn't too heavy as before.

Whispering his replies and statement to the butterfly, he added a bit of his energy to quicken its speed. Watching it fly off, he absentmindedly pet Snow who also seemed happier hearing his master's voice. He turned to the sounds of footsteps and smiled.

"I think I will travel, brothers," Ying Yue looked down at Snow, "Will you join me?"

"You are ready then," the redhead eyed the blonde, "Then let us pack."

'Ah Li,' he smiled glancing at the village from below, 'Come find me.'
