A Redhead, A Blonde, and A Brunette

'This… this was for Ah Li… this was for Ah Li,' he said like a mantra in his mind as they entered the village, to the where the sect leader was, and following the giggling man to a stage where the villagers all crowded to watch.

He reminded himself this was for his lover as his clothes pooled at his feet. Flushing with embarrassment, he fought to not cover himself or else he would be naked longer. Thankfully, his brothers dressed him just as quickly, earning disgruntlement from the crowd.

"That was too quick," Sect Leader Yang frowned.

"He agreed to bare himself, he never stated how long," the redhead stated and narrowed his eyes at the leader.

"I suppose…" the brown haired youth brightened instantly, "Ah! Good thing our painter is here. He has excellent memory. We will create the correct proportions on your statue now, Chosen One."