
Ying Yue nodded in agreement and took a sip of his tea. The sound of a waking child caught their attention. Black eyes blinked opened, before his face scrunched into a cry. Lady Nuying shushed as she placed the child's head against her shoulder, rubbing his back.

A door slammed opened and the adults turned to see the redhead, hair strayed and out of place, looking alert. The tension eased and he sighed sitting beside the female. He held out his arms for the child and the woman placed the crying baby in his arms.

"Why must you cry, little one?" Gruff voice questioned as his big brother stared at the child's face.


"Mm," the man nodded and the child patted his face, before sticking baby hand in his little mouth no longer crying.

"He's gotten too used to you already," the pink haired female frowned.

"He is my son," Xu Ling smiled softly at his son, who babbled contently.