Hurry and Become an Adult

As he focused, he could hear a sad song being played. He laid there for a moment, not wanting to interrupt the playing of plucked threads and the purring of the snow leopard. He took in the smell of something sweet and he felt his lips spread. He could imagine Wang Li with a pastry beside him as he moved his long fingers, lifting and moving along silk strings. Snow would be lying beside his master, relaxed and content.

He opened his eyes and turned over slowly, to peek over the bed. The only thing he got wrong from what he imagined, was the sadness on his lover's face. Silver eyes glazed, staring blankly at fingers as they moved. Hair draped down his lover's back and Ying Yue just stared.

Why was his husband looking so sad? Was it because he was small? Although Wang Li looked this way, it still did not deter how beautiful his king was.

"Did you sleep well, Ah Yue?"