I Wanted More Time

Wang Li closed his silver eyes and saw a field of rice before him, swaying in the breeze. His hair blew with the wind and he hummed. Tilting his head off to the side, it confirmed his suspicions. Turning back, he watched the wind moved and danced with the wheat.

"Do not worry, I will do as I promised."

"Yet you took it upon yourself once more to do as you wish."

He fisted his hands for a moment before relaxing as he breathed slowly.

"I wanted more time."

"You want many things child… you had created your own river of blood. You must bear the consequences."


The presence stayed after another breeze, before he was left alone. Opening his eyes, he stared at the wall before him.

There was warmth against him and he felt the head resting underneath his chin. He sighed and ran a hand up and down his wife's back as his arm held him tighter. He could hear the beating of his lover's heart against him and he relaxed.