You Are A Fool

Ying Yue felt his eyes watered and he dropped to his knees. He bowed lowly, not caring that his husband could end him right there. All he wanted was his lover, even now in his selfishness, he just wanted more time together even if it was hurting them more. He cried softly and drowned in his sorrow.

Footsteps neared him and rough fingers lifted his head, curling under his chin.

"This love of yours, only causes you tears, pain, sorrow. You are a fool to love me. It is hopeless."

"No," he whispered, "Hopeful."

Silver eyes widened slightly and the grip on Ying Yue's chin tightened before he roughly pushed the blonde away, taking back the rest of his core. Wang Li turned away and walked back to stand where he was, breathing in the connection of his broken core, now whole once more.