I'm Bringing Him Back

Ying Yue waved goodbye to the students and his family as he returned to the small shack by the lake. Falling asleep, he dreamt of a field of roses and the scent calmed his heart. A presence appeared before him enveloped in a golden glow.

"Jade Emperor," Ying Yue greeted with a bow.

"Chosen One. You and your brothers are doing as I asked. Therefore, I will give you what you asked."

His eyes widened and he quickly stood straight staring at his visitor.

"You will bring them back? Truly? Thank you. Thank you."

He bowed multiple times with his heart bursting with tears of joy.

"Only one."

The tears of joy became tears of blood.

"One, you will bring one back?"


Ying Yue shut his eyes and clutched his heart, feeling the rings like an anchor. Only Lady Nuying or Wang Li can return. Only one.

"You already know this would happen and you already know which I would choose."
