The Only Thing Missing

Zhang Xu Lan stared at the pink-haired female who seemed to be taking all of his father's free time. She seemed to pull a smile from his father and even make him laugh so easily! His father doesn't give in so easily! What did she had that he didn't. His father would bring her along to their father-son time and he hated it.

He did not like her.

"Lan-er," his father spoke up and he glanced at him, alone surprisingly, "Why are you glaring?"

"I'm not," he pouted and his father flicked his nose.

"Nuying had been here for some time now. Why do you continue to avoid her?"

"Why do you trust her so?"

He retorted back crossing his arms. Letting out a sigh, his father cupped the back of his neck and his black eyes stared into golden ones.

"She is your mother."




The hand around his nape tightened and he stared wide eyed.