I Wish All Of You

(Pang Xi's home)

Ye Wu as a man did not look much different from when he pretended to be a female. The only change Pang Xi could see was the flat chest instead of the mounds and a penis instead of a vagina.

The demon still had long dark lashes, high cheekbones, kissable lips, and smooth white skin. He placed his warm palm against the cold cheek to hear a moan from the demon. Ye Wu leaned toward the warmth and Pang Xi quickly pulled away.

He went to the kitchen to heat water for tea and prepared soup. He ignored the way his heart jumped with the thought of Ye Wu in his home again. He ignored the anxiety leaking into the air, covering the space between him and the demon. He ignored how much he missed this, missed Ye Wu.

'But he is a demon,' he reminded himself, 'When you die, he will eat your soul and you will not be reborn.'

'Is that so bad? Ye Wu loves me, this much is certain and I… I care for him deeply.'