Li Hien

He heard the echo from his students, and he glanced over at the twins, "Send them back and join us."

While he was finishing his words, the large wolf howled loudly and rushed forward along with its brethren. Send out a golden slash from his sword, he kept on the defense, making sure to be close to his students. Catching a claw on his blade, the redhead swung his leg and caught the hind legs of the wolf. It stumbled back and Xu Ling strike his sword at a wolf demon near a student.

He just had to keep these wolves at bay until help arrived. He stabbed into a wolf who cried in pain, but he felt as if it did nothing to deter the others. It only made them angrier. He heard the screams from his students and he turned to where it was. Quickly twisting his blade, he cut through the neck of the wolf attacking him and slashed another on his way to his wounded students.