Always Forgive You

Wang Li woke up as the sun was rising. The sunlight filtered through the room and he took in the beauty of his wife. He smiled and reached out to feel the blonde's smooth milky skin. His fingers ran over the freckles, so rare in this world, and he smiled when Ying Yue mumbled something softly.

He continued his movement and pushed strands behind his lover's hair. His digits ran down to the curve of the blonde's neck and paused over the beating heart against his palm. He closed his silver eyes and followed the beat with his breathing. Smiling, he opened his eyes and observed Ying Yue's sleeping face.

'My angelic beauty.'

He softened his face and slipped his fingers into the loose thin robe of his lover. His fingers touched bare chest and he heard the intake of breath from the sleeping form. Wang Li continued to leave featherlight touches on his lover's skin and pushed the robe off the thin shoulder.