Make Me Not Leave You

(Pang Xi's House)

Pang Xi smiled amusedly as Ye Wu was trying and failing to keep himself from moving. He quirked a brow at the raven haired man, gaining a pout and large red eyes. His heart swooned and clenched at that look, but he didn't give in. He ate the strawberry slowly, the way he had seen his mischievous lover do.

Ye Wu whined and squirmed on the bed, wanting to reach out, but he was tied to the bed.

"Ah Xi," the demon licked his lips, "Mm, my handsome perfect master, please."

"Hm? You must be punished, Ah Wu, for teasing me."

"Mm, I learned my lesson, master. I will be good and… I'm so hard," Ye Wu whined and bit his bottom lip, moving his hips to emphasis his standing erection.