We Created You

Wang Li ran his fingers through his lover's hair as Ying Yue sat before him. He combed it before parting it into large strands. Braiding his wife's hair, each fingernail dragging lightly across scalp, earning a low moan.

"Hm, maybe I should do this more often," he chuckled and kissed his lover's temple.

"Please spoil me," Ying Yue sighed and he tugged the strands to have his wife's head bent to face the ceiling, giving him a perfect space to kiss his lover.

"Am I not keeping you from your duty, my love?" He whispered to the platinum blonde.

"You are a terrible distraction, my husband."

He laughed against his beautiful wife and sighed, rubbing their noses, then placed a kiss to the tip. Moving back to his task, he hummed a tune they both recognized while he finished tucking and pulling on the light strands.