How We All Feel

"I want you to be flustered, upset, but not hurt."

Xu Lan took the letter and read it quietly to himself. Mo Chou waited and observed the pinkette to see the pale face scrunched up. He heard the hiccups and saw the tears slipping down splotchy red cheeks. He reached out and cupped the master's face, thumbing the tears away.

"If it makes you feel any better, Ah Lan, he sometimes calls me your name."

"We aren't even alike," Xu Lan hiccupped.

"I know! You're prettier than me," Mo Chou laughed with a grin.

"Stop it," the pinkette frowned and pushed him gently away. Mo Chou followed and sat back before reaching back into his sleeve. A white clouded butterfly revealed and the pinkette wiped his eyes.

"He said if you ended up crying, to give you this."

The butterfly spread its wings and flew over to the pale man.